











 三角関数(trigonometric functions)・円関数(circular functions)の6つの関数(sin関数・cos関数・tan関数・cot関数・sec関数・csc関数)をグラフで確認します。各関数についてはそれぞれの記事を参照してください。




# 利用パッケージ





\tan x
   &= \frac{\sin x}{\cos x}
\cot x
   &= \frac{1}{\tan x}
    = \frac{\cos x}{\sin x}
\sec x
   &= \frac{1}{\cos x}
\csc x
   &= \frac{1}{\sin x}

 ただし、 i を整数として  x = i \pi のとき  \sin x = \tan x = 0 なので、 \csc x, \cot x は定義できません。また、 x = \frac{2 i + 1}{2} \pi のとき  \cos x = 0 なので、 \tan x, \sec x は定義できません。 \pi は円周率で、変数  x は弧度法の角度(ラジアン)です。各関数についてはそれぞれの記事「Rによる三角関数(円関数)入門:記事一覧 - からっぽのしょこ」を参照してください。





# 変数(ラジアン)の範囲を指定
theta_vec <- seq(from = -2.5*pi, to = 2.5*pi, length.out = 1000)
## [1] -7.853982 -7.838258 -7.822534 -7.806811 -7.791087 -7.775363

 曲線の座標計算用の変数(ラジアン)  \theta を作成してtheta_vecとします。円周率  \pipiで扱えます。


# 関数ラベルのレベルを指定
fnc_level_vec <- c("sin", "cos", "tan", "csc", "sec", "cot")

# 閾値を指定
threshold <- 4

# 関数曲線の座標を計算
function_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  t = theta_vec |> 
    rep(times = length(fnc_level_vec)), # 関数の数に応じて変数を複製
  f_t = c(
  fnc = c("sin", "cos", "tan", "csc", "sec", "cot") |> 
    rep(each = length(theta_vec)) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  fnc_pair = c("sin", "cos", "tan", "sin", "cos", "tan") |> 
    rep(each = length(theta_vec)) |> 
    factor(levels = c("sin", "cos", "tan")), # 色用
  fnc_type = c("original", "original", "original", "reciprocal", "reciprocal", "reciprocal") |> 
    rep(each = length(theta_vec)) # 線種用
) |> 
    f_t = dplyr::if_else(
      (f_t >= -threshold & f_t <= threshold), true = f_t, false = NA_real_
    ) # 閾値外の値を欠損値に置換
## # A tibble: 6,000 × 5
##        t    f_t fnc   fnc_pair fnc_type
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <fct> <fct>    <chr>   
##  1 -7.85 -1     sin   sin      original
##  2 -7.84 -1.00  sin   sin      original
##  3 -7.82 -1.00  sin   sin      original
##  4 -7.81 -0.999 sin   sin      original
##  5 -7.79 -0.998 sin   sin      original
##  6 -7.78 -0.997 sin   sin      original
##  7 -7.76 -0.996 sin   sin      original
##  8 -7.74 -0.994 sin   sin      original
##  9 -7.73 -0.992 sin   sin      original
## 10 -7.71 -0.990 sin   sin      original
## # … with 5,990 more rows

 変数  \theta の値と関数  f(\theta) の値をデータフレームに格納します。csc関数はsin()、sec関数はcos()、cot関数はtan()を使って計算できます。
  \theta = i \pi \theta = \frac{2 i + 1}{2} \pi ( i は整数)付近で  -\infty または  \infty に近付くので、閾値thresholdを指定しておき、-threshold未満またはthresholdより大きい場合は(数値型の)欠損値NAに置き換えます。


# 半周期の目盛の数(分母の値)を指定
denom <- 2

# 目盛の通し番号(分子の値)を作成
numer_vec <- seq(
  from = floor(min(theta_vec) / pi * denom), 
  to   = ceiling(max(theta_vec) / pi * denom), 
  by = 1

# 目盛ラベル用の文字列を作成
label_vec <- paste0(c("", "-")[(numer_vec < 0)+1], "frac(", abs(numer_vec), ", ", denom, ")~pi")
head(numer_vec); head(label_vec)
## [1] -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0
## [1] "-frac(5, 2)~pi" "-frac(4, 2)~pi" "-frac(3, 2)~pi" "-frac(2, 2)~pi"
## [5] "-frac(1, 2)~pi" "frac(0, 2)~pi"

 角度(ラジアン)  \theta に関する軸目盛ラベルを  \frac{i}{n} \pi ( i, n は整数)の形で表示することにします。
  ndenomとして整数を指定します。 n は、半周期  \pi の範囲における目盛の数に対応します。theta_vecに対して、 \theta = \frac{\pi}{n} i i について整理した  i = \frac{n}{\pi} \theta を計算して、最小値(の小数部分をfloor()で切り捨てた値)から最大値(の小数部分をceiling()で切り上げた値)までの整数を作成してnumer_vecとします。
 numer_vec, denomを使って目盛ラベル用の文字列を作成します。ギリシャ文字などの記号や数式を表示する場合は、expression()の記法を用います。オブジェクト(プログラム上の変数)の値を使う場合は、文字列として作成しておきparse()text引数に渡します。frac(分子, 分母)で分数、~でスペースを表示します。


# 漸近線のプロット位置を作成
asymptote_even_vec <- seq(
  from = floor(min(theta_vec) / pi) + 0.5, 
  to   = floor(max(theta_vec) / pi) + 0.5, 
  by = 1
) * pi
asymptote_odd_vec <- seq(
  from = floor(min(theta_vec) / pi) + 1, 
  to   = floor(max(theta_vec) / pi), 
  by = 1
) * pi

# 漸近線の座標を格納
asymptote_df <- tibble::tibble(
  value = c(
  type = c(
    rep("even", times = length(asymptote_even_vec)), 
    rep("odd", times = length(asymptote_odd_vec))
  ) # 線種用
## # A tibble: 11 × 2
##    value type 
##    <dbl> <chr>
##  1 -7.85 even 
##  2 -4.71 even 
##  3 -1.57 even 
##  4  1.57 even 
##  5  4.71 even 
##  6  7.85 even 
##  7 -6.28 odd  
##  8 -3.14 odd  
##  9  0    odd  
## 10  3.14 odd  
## 11  6.28 odd

  \theta = i \pi ( \pi の倍数)のとき  \csc x, \cot x \theta = \frac{2 i + 1}{2} \pi ( \pi の倍数でない  \frac{\pi}{2} の倍数)のとき  \tan x, \sec x が発散するので、theta_vecの範囲内の  i \pi, \frac{2 i}{2} \pi の値を(上手いこと)作成して、データフレームに格納します。


# 軸目盛のプロット位置を計算
break_vec <- numer_vec / denom * pi

# 関数曲線を作図
curve_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_vline(data = asymptote_df, 
             mapping = aes(xintercept = value, linetype = type)) + # 漸近線
  geom_line(data = function_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc), na.rm = TRUE, 
            size = 1, alpha = 0.8) + # 関数曲線
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = break_vec, labels = round(break_vec, digits = 2), 
                     sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~., 
                                         breaks = break_vec, labels = parse(text = label_vec))) + # 目盛ラベル
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("even", "odd"), 
                        values = c("dotdash", "twodash"), 
                        labels = c(expression(i*pi), expression(frac(2*i+1, 2)*pi)), 
                        name = "asymptote") + # (2種類の漸近線用)
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1) + # アスペクト比
  labs(title = "circular functions", 
       color = "function", 
       x = expression(theta), 
       y = expression(f(theta)))
# 関数曲線を作図
curve_pair_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_vline(data = asymptote_df, 
             mapping = aes(xintercept = value), 
             linetype = "dotdash") + # 漸近線
  geom_line(data = function_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc_pair, linetype = fnc_type), na.rm = TRUE, 
            size = 1, alpha = 0.8) + # 関数曲線
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = break_vec, labels = round(break_vec, digits = 2), 
                     sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~., 
                                         breaks = break_vec, labels = parse(text = label_vec))) + # 目盛ラベル
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("original", "reciprocal"), 
                        values = c("solid", "dashed"), 
                        labels = c(expression(f(x)), expression(frac(1, f(x)))), 
                        name = "function") + # (2種類の漸近線用)
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1) + # アスペクト比
  labs(title = "circular functions", 
       color = "function", 
       x = expression(theta), 
       y = expression(f(theta)))


 x軸を変数(ラジアン)  \theta、y軸を各関数  f(\theta) として曲線を描画します。また、基本となる関数  \sin \theta, \cos, \theta, \tan \theta を実線、それぞれの逆数  \csc \theta, \sec \theta, \cot \theta を破線で示します。
 x軸が  i \pi の点( 0 の前後  \pi 間隔)  \frac{2 i + 1}{2} \pi の点( \frac{\pi}{2} の前後  \pi 間隔)に漸近線を破線で描画します。


 続いて、円関数の可視化に利用する単位円(unit circle)のグラフを確認します。円やラジアン(弧度法の角度)、度数法と弧度法の関係については「【R】円周の作図 - からっぽのしょこ」を参照してください。



# 半径を指定
r <- 1

# 円周の座標を計算
circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  t = seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, length.out = 601), # ラジアン
  x = r * cos(t), 
  y = r * sin(t)
## # A tibble: 601 × 3
##         t     x      y
##     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 0      1     0     
##  2 0.0105 1.00  0.0105
##  3 0.0209 1.00  0.0209
##  4 0.0314 1.00  0.0314
##  5 0.0419 0.999 0.0419
##  6 0.0524 0.999 0.0523
##  7 0.0628 0.998 0.0628
##  8 0.0733 0.997 0.0732
##  9 0.0838 0.996 0.0837
## 10 0.0942 0.996 0.0941
## # … with 591 more rows

 単位円の円周の座標計算用のラジアンとして  0 \leq t \leq 2 \pi の範囲の値を作成して、x軸の値  x = \cos t とy軸の値  y = \sin t を計算します。


# 半円の目盛の数(分母の値)を指定
denom <- 6

# 角度目盛の描画用
d <- 1.1
radian_lable_df <- tibble::tibble(
  nomer = seq(from = 0, to = 2*denom-1, by = 1), # 目盛の通し番号(分子の値)を作成
  t_deg = nomer / denom * 180, # 度数法
  t_rad = nomer / denom * pi,  # 弧度法
  x = r * cos(t_rad), 
  y = r * sin(t_rad), 
  label_x = d * x, 
  label_y = d * y, 
  rad_label = paste0("frac(", nomer, ", ", denom, ")~pi"), # ラジアンラベル
  h = 1 - (x * 0.5 + 0.5), 
  v = 1 - (y * 0.5 + 0.5)
## # A tibble: 12 × 10
##    nomer t_deg t_rad         x         y   label_x   label_y rad_label         h
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
##  1     0     0 0      1   e+ 0  0         1.1 e+ 0  0        frac(0, 6)~… 0     
##  2     1    30 0.524  8.66e- 1  5   e- 1  9.53e- 1  5.5 e- 1 frac(1, 6)~… 0.0670
##  3     2    60 1.05   5   e- 1  8.66e- 1  5.5 e- 1  9.53e- 1 frac(2, 6)~… 0.25  
##  4     3    90 1.57   6.12e-17  1   e+ 0  6.74e-17  1.1 e+ 0 frac(3, 6)~… 0.5   
##  5     4   120 2.09  -5   e- 1  8.66e- 1 -5.5 e- 1  9.53e- 1 frac(4, 6)~… 0.75  
##  6     5   150 2.62  -8.66e- 1  5   e- 1 -9.53e- 1  5.5 e- 1 frac(5, 6)~… 0.933 
##  7     6   180 3.14  -1   e+ 0  1.22e-16 -1.1 e+ 0  1.35e-16 frac(6, 6)~… 1     
##  8     7   210 3.67  -8.66e- 1 -5   e- 1 -9.53e- 1 -5.5 e- 1 frac(7, 6)~… 0.933 
##  9     8   240 4.19  -5.00e- 1 -8.66e- 1 -5.50e- 1 -9.53e- 1 frac(8, 6)~… 0.75  
## 10     9   270 4.71  -1.84e-16 -1   e+ 0 -2.02e-16 -1.1 e+ 0 frac(9, 6)~… 0.5   
## 11    10   300 5.24   5   e- 1 -8.66e- 1  5.5 e- 1 -9.53e- 1 frac(10, 6)… 0.25  
## 12    11   330 5.76   8.66e- 1 -5.00e- 1  9.53e- 1 -5.50e- 1 frac(11, 6)… 0.0670
## # … with 1 more variable: v <dbl>

 目盛指示線や目盛グリッド用の座標をx, y列、目盛ラベル用の座標をlabel_x, label_y列とします。ラベルの表示位置をdで調整します。


# グラフサイズを指定
axis_size <- 1.5

# 円周を作図
circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 1) + # 円周
  geom_segment(data = radian_lable_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = x, yend = y), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # 角度目盛グリッド
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = t_deg+90), 
            label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛指示線
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = label_x, y = label_y, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, 
              xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "unit circle", 
       subtitle = parse(text = paste0("r==", r)), 
       x = expression(x == r~cos~theta), 
       y = expression(y == r~sin~theta))









# なす角(変数)を指定
theta <- 1/6 * pi

# 単位円上の点の座標を計算
point_df <- tibble::tibble(
  t = theta, 
  sin_t = sin(theta), 
  cos_t = cos(theta)
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##       t sin_t cos_t
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.524   0.5 0.866

 単位円におけるなす角(ラジアン)  \thetathetaとして値を指定します。ただし、theta0のとき、計算結果にInf-Infが含まれるため、意図しないグラフになります(理論上はpiなどのときにも発散しますが、プログラム上の誤差によりInfになりません)。発散時の対策については「アニメーションの作成」を参照してください。

  \theta の値と  \sin \theta, \cos \theta の値をデータフレームに格納します。


# なす角マークの座標を計算
d <- 0.15
angle_mark_df <- tibble::tibble(
  t = seq(from = 0, to = theta, length.out = 100), 
  x = d * cos(t), 
  y = d * sin(t)
## # A tibble: 100 × 3
##          t     x        y
##      <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 0       0.15  0       
##  2 0.00529 0.150 0.000793
##  3 0.0106  0.150 0.00159 
##  4 0.0159  0.150 0.00238 
##  5 0.0212  0.150 0.00317 
##  6 0.0264  0.150 0.00397 
##  7 0.0317  0.150 0.00476 
##  8 0.0370  0.150 0.00555 
##  9 0.0423  0.150 0.00634 
## 10 0.0476  0.150 0.00714 
## # … with 90 more rows

 なす角  \theta を示すなす角マークを描画するために、 0 \leq t \leq \theta のラジアンを作成して、円弧の座標を計算します。サイズの調整用の値(半径)をdとします。


# なす角ラベルの座標を計算
d <- 0.21
angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  t = 0.5 * theta, 
  x = d * cos(t), 
  y = d * sin(t)
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##       t     x      y
##   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 0.262 0.203 0.0544

 なす角マークの中点にラベルを配置するために、 t = \frac{\theta}{2} のラジアンを作成して、円弧上の点の座標を計算します。表示位置の調整用の値(原点からのノルム)をdとします。






# 関数ラベルのレベルを指定
fnc_level_vec <- c("r", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "sec", "csc")

# 反転フラグを設定
sin_flag <- sin(theta) >= 0
cos_flag <- cos(theta) >= 0

# 関数直線の線分の座標を計算
function_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c(
    "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", 
    "sin", "sin", 
    "cos", "cos", 
    "tan", "tan", 
    "cot", "cot", "cot", "cot", 
    "sec", "sec", 
    "csc", "csc"
  ) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  x_from = c(
    0, 0, 1/tan(theta), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), 0, 
    0, cos(theta), 
    0, 0, 
    1, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    0, 0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    0, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0)
  y_from = c(
    0, 0, 0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 0, 
    0, 0, 
    0, sin(theta), 
    0, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    0, 1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    0, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0)
  x_to = c(
    1, cos(theta), 1/tan(theta), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), 0, 
    0, cos(theta), 
    cos(theta), cos(theta), 
    1, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    1/tan(theta), 1/tan(theta), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), 
    1, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = 1/tan(theta), no = -1/tan(theta)), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1/tan(theta))
  y_to = c(
    0, sin(theta), 1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 1, 
    sin(theta), sin(theta), 
    0, sin(theta), 
    tan(theta), ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = -tan(theta)), 
    0, 1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = tan(theta), no = -tan(theta)), ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = tan(theta)), 
    1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1)
  width = c(
    "normal", "normal", "thin", "thin", "thin", 
    "normal", "normal", 
    "bold", "normal", 
    "normal", "normal", 
    "thin", "normal", "thin", "normal", 
    "bold", "bold", 
    "thin", "thin"
  ), # 太さ用
  type = c(
    "main", "main", "sub", "sub", "sub", 
    "main", "main", 
    "main", "main", 
    "main", "sub", 
    "main", "main", "sub", "sub", 
    "main", "sub", 
    "main", "sub"
  ) # 線種用
## # A tibble: 19 × 7
##    fnc   x_from y_from   x_to   y_to width  type 
##    <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>  <chr>
##  1 r      0        0    1      0     normal main 
##  2 r      0        0    0.866  0.5   normal main 
##  3 r      1.73     0    1.73   1     thin   sub  
##  4 r     NA       NA   NA     NA     thin   sub  
##  5 r      0        0    0      1     thin   sub  
##  6 sin    0        0    0      0.5   normal main 
##  7 sin    0.866    0    0.866  0.5   normal main 
##  8 cos    0        0    0.866  0     bold   main 
##  9 cos    0        0.5  0.866  0.5   normal main 
## 10 tan    1        0    1      0.577 normal main 
## 11 tan   NA       NA   NA     NA     normal sub  
## 12 cot    0        0    1.73   0     thin   main 
## 13 cot    0        1    1.73   1     normal main 
## 14 cot   NA       NA   NA     NA     thin   sub  
## 15 cot   NA       NA   NA     NA     normal sub  
## 16 sec    0        0    1      0.577 bold   main 
## 17 sec   NA       NA   NA     NA     bold   sub  
## 18 csc    0        0    1.73   1     thin   main 
## 19 csc   NA       NA   NA     NA     thin   sub

 各線分の始点の座標をx_from, y_from列、終点の座標をx_to, y_to列として、完成図を見ながら頑張って指定します。詳しくはそれぞれの関数の記事を参照してください。


# 関数ラベルの座標を計算
function_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c(
    "tan", "tan", 
    "cot", "cot", 
    "sec", "sec", 
    "csc", "csc"
  ) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  x = c(
    0.5 * cos(theta), 
    1, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    0.5 / tan(theta), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -0.5/tan(theta)), 
    0.5, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0.5), 
    0.5 / ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = tan(theta), no = -tan(theta)), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0.5/tan(theta))
  y = c(
    0.5 * sin(theta), 
    0.5 * tan(theta), ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = -0.5*tan(theta)), 
    1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    0.5 * ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = tan(theta), no = -tan(theta)), ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0.5*tan(theta)), 
    0.5, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0.5)
  angle = c(
    90, 90, 
    0, 0, 
    0, 0, 
    0, 0
  h = c(
    0.5, 0.5, 
    0.5, 0.5, 
    1.2, 1.2, 
  v = c(
    1, 1, 
    -0.5, -0.5, 
    0.5, 0.5, 
    0.5, 0.5
  fnc_label = c(
    "tan~theta", "-tan~theta", 
    "cot~theta", "-cot~theta", 
    "sec~theta", "-sec~theta", 
    "csc~theta", "-csc~theta"
  ) # 関数ラベル
## # A tibble: 10 × 7
##    fnc        x      y angle     h     v fnc_label 
##    <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     
##  1 sin    0      0.25     90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta 
##  2 cos    0.433  0         0   0.5   1   cos~theta 
##  3 tan    1      0.289    90   0.5   1   tan~theta 
##  4 tan   NA     NA        90   0.5   1   -tan~theta
##  5 cot    0.866  1         0   0.5  -0.5 cot~theta 
##  6 cot   NA     NA         0   0.5  -0.5 -cot~theta
##  7 sec    0.5    0.289     0   1.2   0.5 sec~theta 
##  8 sec   NA     NA         0   1.2   0.5 -sec~theta
##  9 csc    0.866  0.5       0  -0.2   0.5 csc~theta 
## 10 csc   NA     NA         0  -0.2   0.5 -csc~theta



# 変数ラベル用の文字列を作成
variable_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", tan~theta==", round(tan(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cot~theta==", round(1/tan(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", sec~theta==", round(1/cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", csc~theta==", round(1/sin(theta), digits = 2), 
## [1] "list(theta==0.17*pi, sin~theta==0.5, cos~theta==0.87, tan~theta==0.58, cot~theta==1.73, sec~theta==1.15, csc~theta==2)"

 ==で等号、list(変数1, 変数2)で複数の(数式上の)変数を並べて表示します。(プログラム上の)変数の値を使う場合は、文字列として作成しておきparse()text引数に渡します。


# グラフサイズ用の値を設定
axis_lower <- 1.5
x_min <- min(-axis_lower, 1/tan(theta))
x_max <- max(axis_lower, 1/tan(theta))
y_min <- min(-axis_lower, tan(theta))
y_max <- max(axis_lower, tan(theta))

# 単位円上に関数直線を作図
fnc_line_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_segment(data = radian_lable_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = x, yend = y), 
               color = "white") + # 角度目盛グリッド
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = t_deg+90), label = "|", 
            size = 2) + # 角度目盛指示線
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = label_x, y = label_y, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_path(data = angle_mark_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 0.5) + # なす角マーク
  geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), label = "theta", parse = TRUE, 
            size = 5) + # なす角ラベル
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 1) + # 円周
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_t, y = sin_t), 
             size = 4) + # 円周上の点
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_segment(data = function_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, 
                             color = fnc, size = width, linetype = type), na.rm = TRUE) + # 関数直線
  geom_text(data = function_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v, angle = angle), 
            parse = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 関数ラベル
  scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, 
                     values = c("black", scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec)-1))) + # (半径直線を黒色にしたい)
  scale_size_manual(breaks = c("normal", "bold", "thin"), 
                    values = c(1, 1.6, 0.8), guide = "none") + # (線が重なる対策)
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("main", "sub"), 
                        values = c("solid", "twodash"), guide = "none") + # (補助線を描き分けたい)
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, 
              xlim = c(x_min, x_max), ylim = c(y_min, y_max)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "circular functions", 
       subtitle = parse(text = variable_label), 
       color = "function", 
       x = "x", y = "y")



 「x軸線の正の部分(原点  (0, 0) と点  (0, 1) を結ぶ線分)」と「原点と円周上の点を結ぶ線分」のなす角を  \theta とします。単位円の円周上の点の座標は  (\cos \theta, \sin \theta) なので、sin関数はy軸の値(高さ)、cos関数はx軸の値(横幅)に対応します。他の関数についても円周上の点(なす角)によって決まります。詳しくはそれぞれの関数の記事を参照してください。





# 関数直線の線分の座標を計算
function_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c(
    "r", "r", 
  ) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  x_from = c(
    0, 0, 
  y_from = c(
    0, 0, 
  x_to = c(
    1, cos(theta), 
  y_to = c(
    0, sin(theta), 
## # A tibble: 8 × 5
##   fnc   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to
##   <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 r      0        0   1       0  
## 2 r      0        0   0.866   0.5
## 3 sin    0.866    0   0.866   0.5
## 4 cos    0        0.5 0.866   0.5
## 5 tan    0.866    0.5 1.15    0  
## 6 cot    0.866    0.5 0       2  
## 7 sec    0        0   1.15    0  
## 8 csc    0        0   0       2



# 関数ラベルの座標を計算
function_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c("sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "sec", "csc") |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  x = c(
    0.5 * cos(theta), 
    0.5 * (1/cos(theta) + cos(theta)), 
    0.5 * cos(theta), 
    0.5 / cos(theta), 
  y = c(
    0.5 * sin(theta), 
    0.5 * sin(theta), 
    0.5 * (1/sin(theta) + sin(theta)), 
    0.5 / sin(theta)
  angle = c(90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90), 
  h = c(0.5, 0.5, -0.2, -0.2, 0.5, 0.5), 
  v = c(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1), 
  fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "cos~theta", "tan~theta", "cot~theta", "sec~theta", "csc~theta") # 関数ラベル
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   fnc       x     y angle     h     v fnc_label
##   <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
## 1 sin   0.866  0.25    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
## 2 cos   0.433  0.5      0   0.5  -0.5 cos~theta
## 3 tan   1.01   0.25     0  -0.2   0.5 tan~theta
## 4 cot   0.433  1.25     0  -0.2   0.5 cot~theta
## 5 sec   0.577  0        0   0.5   1   sec~theta
## 6 csc   0      1       90   0.5   1   csc~theta



# グラフサイズ用の値を設定
axis_lower <- 1.5
x_min <- min(-axis_lower, 1/cos(theta))
x_max <- max(axis_lower, 1/cos(theta))
y_min <- min(-axis_lower, 1/sin(theta))
y_max <- max(axis_lower, 1/sin(theta))

# 単位円上に関数直線を作図
fnc_line_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_segment(data = radian_lable_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = x, yend = y), 
               color = "white") + # 角度目盛グリッド
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = t_deg+90), label = "|", 
            size = 2) + # 角度目盛指示線
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = label_x, y = label_y, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_path(data = angle_mark_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 0.5) + # なす角マーク
  geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), label = "theta", parse = TRUE, 
            size = 5) + # なす角ラベル
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 1) + # 円周
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_t, y = sin_t), 
             size = 4) + # 円周上の点
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_segment(data = function_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
               size = 1) + # 関数直線
  geom_text(data = function_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v, angle = angle), 
            parse = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 関数ラベル
  scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, 
                     values = c("black", scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec)-1))) + # (半径直線を黒色にしたい)
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, 
              xlim = c(x_min, x_max), ylim = c(y_min, y_max)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "circular functions", 
       subtitle = parse(text = variable_label), 
       color = "function", 
       x = "x", y = "y")


 こちらの図は、原点と点  (\cos \theta, \sin \theta) を結ぶ線分を底辺、x軸線やy軸線の一部を斜辺としたときのパターン1の図と言えます。文字通り首を捻って見てください。相似関係が分かりやすいように補助線を入れた図については、それぞれの関数の記事を参照してください。





# フレーム数を指定
frame_num <- 180

# なす角(変数)の範囲を指定
theta_i <- seq(from = -2*pi, to = 2*pi, length.out = frame_num+1)[1:frame_num]
## [1] -6.283185 -6.213372 -6.143559 -6.073746 -6.003933 -5.934119

 フレーム数frame_numを指定して、単位円におけるなす角(ラジアン)  \theta の値を等間隔にframe_num個作成します。最小値(form引数)と最大値(to引数)の範囲を  2 \pi の倍数にしframe_num + 1個の等間隔の値を作成して、最後の値を除くと最後のフレームと最初のフレームのグラフが繋がります。


# 変数ラベル用の文字列を作成
frame_label_vec <- paste0(
  "θ = ", round(theta_i/pi, digits = 2), " π", 
  ", sin θ = ", round(sin(theta_i), digits = 2), 
  ", cos θ = ", round(cos(theta_i), digits = 2), 
  ", tan θ = ", round(tan(theta_i), digits = 2), 
  ", cot θ = ", round(1/tan(theta_i), digits = 2), 
  ", sec θ = ", round(1/cos(theta_i), digits = 2), 
  ", csc θ = ", round(1/sin(theta_i), digits = 2)
## [1] "θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = 0, cot θ = 4082809838298843, sec θ = 1, csc θ = 4082944682095961"
## [2] "θ = -1.98 π, sin θ = 0.07, cos θ = 1, tan θ = 0.07, cot θ = 14.3, sec θ = 1, csc θ = 14.34"              
## [3] "θ = -1.96 π, sin θ = 0.14, cos θ = 0.99, tan θ = 0.14, cot θ = 7.12, sec θ = 1.01, csc θ = 7.19"         
## [4] "θ = -1.93 π, sin θ = 0.21, cos θ = 0.98, tan θ = 0.21, cot θ = 4.7, sec θ = 1.02, csc θ = 4.81"          
## [5] "θ = -1.91 π, sin θ = 0.28, cos θ = 0.96, tan θ = 0.29, cot θ = 3.49, sec θ = 1.04, csc θ = 3.63"         
## [6] "θ = -1.89 π, sin θ = 0.34, cos θ = 0.94, tan θ = 0.36, cot θ = 2.75, sec θ = 1.06, csc θ = 2.92"



# 単位円上の点の座標を計算
anim_point_df <- tibble::tibble(
  t = theta_i, 
  sin_t = sin(theta_i), 
  cos_t = cos(theta_i), 
  frame_label = factor(frame_label_vec, levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル
## # A tibble: 180 × 4
##        t    sin_t cos_t frame_label                                        
##    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <fct>                                              
##  1 -6.28 2.45e-16 1     θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = 0, cot θ … 
##  2 -6.21 6.98e- 2 0.998 θ = -1.98 π, sin θ = 0.07, cos θ = 1, tan θ = 0.07…
##  3 -6.14 1.39e- 1 0.990 θ = -1.96 π, sin θ = 0.14, cos θ = 0.99, tan θ = 0…
##  4 -6.07 2.08e- 1 0.978 θ = -1.93 π, sin θ = 0.21, cos θ = 0.98, tan θ = 0…
##  5 -6.00 2.76e- 1 0.961 θ = -1.91 π, sin θ = 0.28, cos θ = 0.96, tan θ = 0…
##  6 -5.93 3.42e- 1 0.940 θ = -1.89 π, sin θ = 0.34, cos θ = 0.94, tan θ = 0…
##  7 -5.86 4.07e- 1 0.914 θ = -1.87 π, sin θ = 0.41, cos θ = 0.91, tan θ = 0…
##  8 -5.79 4.69e- 1 0.883 θ = -1.84 π, sin θ = 0.47, cos θ = 0.88, tan θ = 0…
##  9 -5.72 5.30e- 1 0.848 θ = -1.82 π, sin θ = 0.53, cos θ = 0.85, tan θ = 0…
## 10 -5.65 5.88e- 1 0.809 θ = -1.8 π, sin θ = 0.59, cos θ = 0.81, tan θ = 0.…
## # … with 170 more rows

  \theta の値と  \sin \theta, \cos \theta の値をフレームラベルと共に格納します。


# なす角マークの座標を計算
d <- 0.15
anim_angle_mark_df <- tibble::tibble(
  frame_i = 1:frame_num # フレーム番号
) |> 
  dplyr::group_by(frame_i) |> # ラジアンの作成用
    t = seq(from = 0, to = theta_i[frame_i], length.out = 100), .groups = "drop"
  ) |> # なす角以下のラジアンを作成
    x = d * cos(t), 
    y = d * sin(t), 
    frame_label = frame_label_vec[frame_i] |> 
      factor(levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル
## # A tibble: 18,000 × 5
##    frame_i       t     x        y frame_label                              
##      <int>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <fct>                                    
##  1       1  0      0.15   0       θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  2       1 -0.0635 0.150 -0.00951 θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  3       1 -0.127  0.149 -0.0190  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  4       1 -0.190  0.147 -0.0284  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  5       1 -0.254  0.145 -0.0377  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  6       1 -0.317  0.143 -0.0468  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  7       1 -0.381  0.139 -0.0557  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  8       1 -0.444  0.135 -0.0645  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
##  9       1 -0.508  0.131 -0.0729  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
## 10       1 -0.571  0.126 -0.0811  θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = …
## # … with 17,990 more rows



# なす角ラベルの座標を計算
d <- 0.21
anim_angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  frame_i = 1:frame_num, # フレーム番号
  t = 0.5 * theta_i, 
  x = d * cos(t), 
  y = d * sin(t), 
  frame_label = factor(frame_label_vec, levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル
## # A tibble: 180 × 5
##    frame_i     t      x         y frame_label                               
##      <int> <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>                                     
##  1       1 -3.14 -0.21  -2.57e-17 θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ = … 
##  2       2 -3.11 -0.210 -7.33e- 3 θ = -1.98 π, sin θ = 0.07, cos θ = 1, tan…
##  3       3 -3.07 -0.209 -1.46e- 2 θ = -1.96 π, sin θ = 0.14, cos θ = 0.99, …
##  4       4 -3.04 -0.209 -2.20e- 2 θ = -1.93 π, sin θ = 0.21, cos θ = 0.98, …
##  5       5 -3.00 -0.208 -2.92e- 2 θ = -1.91 π, sin θ = 0.28, cos θ = 0.96, …
##  6       6 -2.97 -0.207 -3.65e- 2 θ = -1.89 π, sin θ = 0.34, cos θ = 0.94, …
##  7       7 -2.93 -0.205 -4.37e- 2 θ = -1.87 π, sin θ = 0.41, cos θ = 0.91, …
##  8       8 -2.90 -0.204 -5.08e- 2 θ = -1.84 π, sin θ = 0.47, cos θ = 0.88, …
##  9       9 -2.86 -0.202 -5.79e- 2 θ = -1.82 π, sin θ = 0.53, cos θ = 0.85, …
## 10      10 -2.83 -0.200 -6.49e- 2 θ = -1.8 π, sin θ = 0.59, cos θ = 0.81, t…
## # … with 170 more rows






# 関数ラベルのレベルを指定
fnc_level_vec <- c("r", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "sec", "csc")

# 反転フラグを設定
sin_flag_i <- sin(theta_i) >= 0
cos_flag_i <- cos(theta_i) >= 0

# 関数直線の線分の座標を計算
anim_function_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c(
    "r", "r", "r", "r", "r", 
    "sin", "sin", 
    "cos", "cos", 
    "tan", "tan", 
    "cot", "cot", "cot", "cot", 
    "sec", "sec", 
    "csc", "csc"
  ) |> 
    rep(each = frame_num) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  x_from = c(
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), 1/tan(theta_i), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta_i)), rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), cos(theta_i), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0)
  y_from = c(
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), sin(theta_i), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0)
  x_to = c(
    rep(1, times = frame_num), cos(theta_i), 1/tan(theta_i), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta_i)), rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), cos(theta_i), 
    cos(theta_i), cos(theta_i), 
    rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    1/tan(theta_i), 1/tan(theta_i), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta_i)), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta_i)), 
    rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = 1/tan(theta_i), no = -1/tan(theta_i)), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1/tan(theta_i))
  y_to = c(
    rep(0, times = frame_num), sin(theta_i), rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1), rep(1, times = frame_num), 
    sin(theta_i), sin(theta_i), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), sin(theta_i), 
    tan(theta_i), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = -tan(theta_i)), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = tan(theta_i), no = -tan(theta_i)), ifelse(test = sin_flag_i, yes = NA, no = tan(theta_i)), 
    rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse(test = cos_flag_i, yes = NA, no = 1)
  width = c(
    "normal", "normal", "thin", "thin", "thin", 
    "normal", "normal", 
    "bold", "normal", 
    "normal", "normal", 
    "thin", "normal", "thin", "normal", 
    "bold", "bold", 
    "thin", "thin"
  ) |> 
    rep(each = frame_num), # 太さ用
  type = c(
    "main", "main", "sub", "sub", "sub", 
    "main", "main", 
    "main", "main", 
    "main", "sub", 
    "main", "main", "sub", "sub", 
    "main", "sub", 
    "main", "sub"
  ) |> 
    rep(each = frame_num), # 太さ用
  label_flag = c(
  ) |> 
    rep(each = frame_num), # # 関数ラベル用
  frame_label = frame_label_vec |> 
    rep(times = 19) |> # (線分の数)
    factor(levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル
) |> 
    x_from = dplyr::case_when(x_from == Inf ~ 1e+10, x_from == -Inf ~ -1e+10, TRUE ~ x_from), 
    x_to   = dplyr::case_when(x_to == Inf ~ 1e+10, x_to == -Inf ~ -1e+10, TRUE ~ x_to)
  ) # 発散した場合は大きな値に置換
## # A tibble: 3,420 × 9
##    fnc   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to width  type  label_flag frame_label       
##    <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  <chr> <lgl>      <fct>             
##  1 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -2 π, sin θ =…
##  2 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.98 π, sin …
##  3 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.96 π, sin …
##  4 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.93 π, sin …
##  5 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.91 π, sin …
##  6 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.89 π, sin …
##  7 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.87 π, sin …
##  8 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.84 π, sin …
##  9 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.82 π, sin …
## 10 r          0      0     1     0 normal main  FALSE      θ = -1.8 π, sin θ…
## # … with 3,410 more rows



# 関数ラベルの座標を計算
anim_function_label_df <- anim_function_line_df |> 
  dplyr::filter(label_flag) |> # ラベル付けする線分を抽出
  dplyr::group_by(fnc, frame_label) |> # 中点の計算用
    x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
    y = median(c(y_from, y_to)), .groups = "drop"
  ) |> # 線分の中点に配置
    angle = c(90, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0) |> 
      rep(each = frame_num), 
    h = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.2, -0.2) |> 
      rep(each = frame_num), 
    v = c(-0.5, 1, 1, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5) |> 
      rep(each = frame_num), 
    fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "cos~theta", "tan~theta", "cot~theta", "sec~theta", "csc~theta") |> 
      rep(each = frame_num) # 関数ラベル
## # A tibble: 1,080 × 8
##    fnc   frame_label                   x        y angle     h     v fnc_label
##    <fct> <fct>                     <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
##  1 sin   θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos…     0 1.22e-16    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  2 sin   θ = -1.98 π, sin θ = 0.0…     0 3.49e- 2    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  3 sin   θ = -1.96 π, sin θ = 0.1…     0 6.96e- 2    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  4 sin   θ = -1.93 π, sin θ = 0.2…     0 1.04e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  5 sin   θ = -1.91 π, sin θ = 0.2…     0 1.38e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  6 sin   θ = -1.89 π, sin θ = 0.3…     0 1.71e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  7 sin   θ = -1.87 π, sin θ = 0.4…     0 2.03e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  8 sin   θ = -1.84 π, sin θ = 0.4…     0 2.35e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  9 sin   θ = -1.82 π, sin θ = 0.5…     0 2.65e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
## 10 sin   θ = -1.8 π, sin θ = 0.59…     0 2.94e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
## # … with 1,070 more rows



# グラフサイズ用の値を指定
axis_size <- 2

# 単位円上の関数直線のアニメーションを作図
graphs <- ggplot() + 
  geom_segment(data = radian_lable_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = x, yend = y), 
               color = "white") + # 角度目盛グリッド
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = t_deg+90), label = "|", 
            size = 2) + # 角度目盛指示線
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = label_x, y = label_y, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_path(data = anim_angle_mark_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 0.5) + # なす角マーク
  geom_text(data = anim_angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), label = "theta", parse = TRUE, 
            size = 5) + # なす角ラベル
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 1) + # 円周
  geom_point(data = anim_point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_t, y = sin_t), 
             size = 4) + # 円周上の点
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_segment(data = anim_function_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, 
                             color = fnc, size = width, linetype = type), na.rm = TRUE) + # 関数直線
  geom_text(data = anim_function_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v, angle = angle), 
            parse = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 関数ラベル
  gganimate::transition_manual(frames = frame_label) + # フレーム
  scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, 
                     values = c("black", scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec)-1))) + # (半径直線を黒色にしたい)
  scale_size_manual(breaks = c("normal", "bold", "thin"), 
                    values = c(1, 1.6, 0.8), guide = "none") + # (線が重なる対策)
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("main", "sub"), 
                        values = c("solid", "twodash"), guide = "none") + # (補助線を描き分けたい)
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, 
              xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "circular functions", 
       subtitle = "{current_frame}", 
       color = "function", 
       x = "x", y = "y")

# gif画像を作成
anim <- gganimate::animate(plot = graphs, nframes = frame_num, fps = 100, width = 800, height = 800)



  \theta = 0, \pi のとき  \sin \theta = 0 なので、原点と円周上の点を結ぶ線分が水平になり直線  y = 1 と平行なため交点ができず、 \cot \theta, \csc \theta を描画(定義)できないのが分かります。また、 \theta = \frac{1}{2} \pi, \frac{3}{2} \pi のとき  \cos \theta = 0 なので、原点と円周上の点を結ぶ線分が垂直になり直線  x = 1 と平行なため交点ができず、 \tan \theta, \sec \theta を描画(定義)できないのが分かります。




# 関数直線の線分の座標を計算
anim_function_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c(
    "r", "r", 
    "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "sec", "csc"
  ) |> 
    rep(each = frame_num) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  x_from = c(
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num)
  y_from = c(
    rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num)
  x_to = c(
    rep(1, times = frame_num), cos(theta_i), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num)
  y_to = c(
    rep(0, times = frame_num), sin(theta_i), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), 
    rep(0, times = frame_num), 
  frame_label = frame_label_vec |> 
    rep(times = 8) |> # (線分の数)
    factor(levels = frame_label_vec), # フレーム切替用ラベル
) |> 
    y_to = dplyr::if_else(condition = y_to == Inf, true = 1e+10, false = y_to)
  ) # 発散した場合は大きな値に置換
## # A tibble: 1,440 × 6
##    fnc   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to frame_label                              
##    <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>                                    
##  1 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos θ = 1, tan θ =… 
##  2 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.98 π, sin θ = 0.07, cos θ = 1, ta…
##  3 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.96 π, sin θ = 0.14, cos θ = 0.99,…
##  4 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.93 π, sin θ = 0.21, cos θ = 0.98,…
##  5 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.91 π, sin θ = 0.28, cos θ = 0.96,…
##  6 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.89 π, sin θ = 0.34, cos θ = 0.94,…
##  7 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.87 π, sin θ = 0.41, cos θ = 0.91,…
##  8 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.84 π, sin θ = 0.47, cos θ = 0.88,…
##  9 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.82 π, sin θ = 0.53, cos θ = 0.85,…
## 10 r          0      0     1     0 θ = -1.8 π, sin θ = 0.59, cos θ = 0.81, …
## # … with 1,430 more rows



# 関数ラベルの座標を計算
anim_function_label_df <- anim_function_line_df |> 
  dplyr::filter(fnc != "r") |> # 関数を抽出
  dplyr::group_by(fnc, frame_label) |> # 中点の計算用
    x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
    y = median(c(y_from, y_to)), .groups = "drop"
  ) |> # 線分の中点に配置
    angle = c(90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90) |> 
      rep(each = frame_num), 
    h = c(0.5, 0.5, -0.2, -0.2, 0.5, 0.5) |> 
      rep(each = frame_num), 
    v = c(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1) |> 
      rep(each = frame_num), 
    fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "cos~theta", "tan~theta", "cot~theta", "sec~theta", "csc~theta") |> 
      rep(each = frame_num) # 関数ラベル
## # A tibble: 1,080 × 8
##    fnc   frame_label                   x        y angle     h     v fnc_label
##    <fct> <fct>                     <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
##  1 sin   θ = -2 π, sin θ = 0, cos… 1     1.22e-16    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  2 sin   θ = -1.98 π, sin θ = 0.0… 0.998 3.49e- 2    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  3 sin   θ = -1.96 π, sin θ = 0.1… 0.990 6.96e- 2    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  4 sin   θ = -1.93 π, sin θ = 0.2… 0.978 1.04e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  5 sin   θ = -1.91 π, sin θ = 0.2… 0.961 1.38e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  6 sin   θ = -1.89 π, sin θ = 0.3… 0.940 1.71e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  7 sin   θ = -1.87 π, sin θ = 0.4… 0.914 2.03e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  8 sin   θ = -1.84 π, sin θ = 0.4… 0.883 2.35e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
##  9 sin   θ = -1.82 π, sin θ = 0.5… 0.848 2.65e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
## 10 sin   θ = -1.8 π, sin θ = 0.59… 0.809 2.94e- 1    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
## # … with 1,070 more rows



# グラフサイズ用の値を指定
axis_size <- 2

# 単位円上の関数直線のアニメーションを作図
graphs <- ggplot() + 
  geom_segment(data = radian_lable_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = x, yend = y), 
               color = "white") + # 角度目盛グリッド
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = t_deg+90), label = "|", 
            size = 2) + # 角度目盛指示線
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = label_x, y = label_y, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_path(data = anim_angle_mark_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 0.5) + # なす角マーク
  geom_text(data = anim_angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), label = "theta", parse = TRUE, 
            size = 5) + # なす角ラベル
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 1) + # 円周
  geom_point(data = anim_point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_t, y = sin_t), 
             size = 4) + # 円周上の点
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_segment(data = anim_function_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
               size = 1) + # 関数直線
  geom_text(data = anim_function_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v, angle = angle), 
            parse = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 関数ラベル
  gganimate::transition_manual(frames = frame_label) + # フレーム
  scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, 
                     values = c("black", scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec)-1))) + # (半径直線を黒色にしたい)
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, 
              xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "circular functions", 
       subtitle = "{current_frame}", 
       color = "function", 
       x = "x", y = "y")

# gif画像を作成
anim <- gganimate::animate(plot = graphs, nframes = frame_num, fps = 100, width = 800, height = 800)


 こちらの図だと、 \theta = 0, \pi のとき、原点と円周上の点を結ぶ線分の垂線が垂直になり直線  x = 0 と平行なため交点ができず、 \cot \theta, \csc \theta を描画(定義)できないのが分かります。また、 \theta = \frac{1}{2} \pi, \frac{3}{2} \pi のとき、原点と円周上の点を結ぶ線分の垂線が水平になり直線  y = 0 と平行なため交点ができず、 \tan \theta, \sec \theta を描画(定義)できないのが分かります。







# 単位円上の点用のラジアンを指定
theta <- 5/4 * pi
## [1] 3.926991

 単位円におけるなす角(ラジアン)  \thetathetaとして値を指定します。ただし、theta0のとき、計算結果にInf-Infが含まれるため、意図しないグラフになります。発散時の対策については「アニメーションの作成」を参照してください。



# 関数ラベルのレベルを指定
fnc_level_vec <- c("r", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "sec", "csc")

# 反転フラグを設定
sin_flag <- sin(theta) >= 0
cos_flag <- cos(theta) >= 0

# 関数直線の線分の座標を計算
function_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c(
    "r", "r", "r", "r", 
    "sin", "sin", 
    "cos", "cos", "cos", 
    "tan", "tan", 
    "cot", "cot", "cot", "cot", "cot", 
    "sec", "sec", "sec", 
    "csc", "csc", "csc"
  ) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  x_from = c(
    0, 0, 1/tan(theta), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), 
    0, cos(theta), 
    0, 0, 0, 
    1, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    0, 0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 0, 
    0, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 0, 
    0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 0
  y_from = c(
    0, 0, 0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    0, 0, 
    0, sin(theta), 0, 
    0, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 
    0, 1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 0, 
    0, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 0, 
    0, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), 0
  x_to = c(
    1, cos(theta), 1/tan(theta), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), 
    0, cos(theta), 
    cos(theta), cos(theta), 0, 
    1, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    1/tan(theta), 1/tan(theta), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = -1/tan(theta)), 0, 
    1, ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 0, 
    ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = 1/tan(theta), no = -1/tan(theta)), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1/tan(theta)), 0
  y_to = c(
    0, sin(theta), 1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 
    sin(theta), sin(theta), 
    0, sin(theta), cos(theta), 
    tan(theta), ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = -tan(theta)), 
    0, 1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 0), ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 1/tan(theta), 
    ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = tan(theta), no = -tan(theta)), ifelse(test = sin_flag, yes = NA, no = tan(theta)), 1/cos(theta), 
    1, ifelse(test = cos_flag, yes = NA, no = 1), 1/sin(theta)
  width = c(
    "normal", "normal", "thin", "thin", 
    "normal", "normal", 
    "bold", "normal", "thin", 
    "normal", "normal", 
    "thin", "normal", "thin", "normal", "thin", 
    "bold", "bold", "thin", 
    "thin", "thin", "thin"
  ), # 太さ用
  type = c(
    "main", "main", "main", "main", 
    "main", "main", 
    "main", "main", "sub", 
    "main", "sub", 
    "main", "main", "sub", "sub", "sub", 
    "main", "sub", "sub", 
    "main", "sub", "sub"
    ), # 線種用
  label_flag = c(
  ) # 関数ラベル用
## # A tibble: 22 × 8
##    fnc   x_from y_from   x_to   y_to width  type  label_flag
##    <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>  <chr> <lgl>     
##  1 r      0      0      1      0     normal main  FALSE     
##  2 r      0      0     -0.707 -0.707 normal main  FALSE     
##  3 r      1      0      1      1     thin   main  FALSE     
##  4 r     -1      0     -1      1     thin   main  FALSE     
##  5 sin    0      0      0     -0.707 normal main  TRUE      
##  6 sin   -0.707  0     -0.707 -0.707 normal main  FALSE     
##  7 cos    0      0     -0.707  0     bold   main  TRUE      
##  8 cos    0     -0.707 -0.707 -0.707 normal main  FALSE     
##  9 cos    0      0      0     -0.707 thin   sub   FALSE     
## 10 tan    1      0      1      1     normal main  TRUE      
## # … with 12 more rows



# 関数ラベルの座標を計算
function_label_df <- function_line_df |> 
  dplyr::filter(label_flag) |> # ラベル付けする線分を抽出
  dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用
    x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
    y = median(c(y_from, y_to)), .groups = "drop"
  ) |> # 線分の中点に配置
    angle = c(90, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0), 
    h = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.2, -0.2), 
    v = c(-0.5, 1, 1, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 
    fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "cos~theta", "tan~theta", "cot~theta", "sec~theta", "csc~theta") # 関数ラベル
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   fnc        x      y angle     h     v fnc_label
##   <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
## 1 sin    0     -0.354    90   0.5  -0.5 sin~theta
## 2 cos   -0.354  0         0   0.5   1   cos~theta
## 3 tan    1      0.5      90   0.5   1   tan~theta
## 4 cot    0.5    0         0   0.5  -0.5 cot~theta
## 5 sec    0.5   -0.5       0   1.2   0.5 sec~theta
## 6 csc   -0.5    0.5       0  -0.2   0.5 csc~theta



# sec・csc直線の角度を設定
if(cos(theta) >= 0) {
  theta_sec <- acos(cos(theta))
} else {
  theta_sec <- pi + acos(cos(theta))
if(sin(theta) >= 0) {
  theta_csc <- asin(sin(theta))
} else {
  theta_csc <- pi + asin(sin(theta))

# 軸変換曲線の座標を計算
num <- 100
adapt_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c(
    rep("cos", times = num), 
    rep("cot", times = num), 
    rep("sec", times = num), 
    rep("csc", times = num)
  ), # 色用
  rad = c(
    seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = num), 
    seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = num), 
    seq(from = theta_sec, to = ifelse(test = cos(theta) >= 0, yes = 0.5*pi, no = 1.5*pi), length.out = num), 
    seq(from = theta_csc, to = ifelse(test = sin(theta) >= 0, yes = 0.5*pi, no = 1.5*pi), length.out = num)
  d = c(
    rep(cos(theta), times = num), 
    rep(1/tan(theta), times = num), 
    rep(abs(1/cos(theta)), times = num), 
    rep(abs(1/sin(theta)), times = num)
  x = d * cos(rad), 
  y = d * sin(rad)
## # A tibble: 400 × 5
##    fnc      rad      d      x       y
##    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 cos   0      -0.707 -0.707  0     
##  2 cos   0.0159 -0.707 -0.707 -0.0112
##  3 cos   0.0317 -0.707 -0.707 -0.0224
##  4 cos   0.0476 -0.707 -0.706 -0.0336
##  5 cos   0.0635 -0.707 -0.706 -0.0448
##  6 cos   0.0793 -0.707 -0.705 -0.0560
##  7 cos   0.0952 -0.707 -0.704 -0.0672
##  8 cos   0.111  -0.707 -0.703 -0.0784
##  9 cos   0.127  -0.707 -0.701 -0.0895
## 10 cos   0.143  -0.707 -0.700 -0.101 
## # … with 390 more rows

 軸を変換する軌道として、半径が各関数の絶対値  |f(\theta)| の円弧を描画します。全体値  |x|abs()で計算できます。詳しくはそれぞれの関数の記事を参照してください。


# グラフサイズ用の値を設定
axis_lower <- 1.5
axis_upper <- 4
x_size <- c(1/sin(theta), 1/tan(theta)) |> # csc・cot
  abs() |> # 絶対値
  ceiling() |> # 切り上げ
  max(axis_lower) |> # 下限
  min(axis_upper) # 上限
y_size <- c(1/cos(theta), 1/sin(theta), 1/tan(theta)) |> # sec・csc・cot
  abs() |> # 絶対値
  ceiling() |> # 切り上げ
  max(axis_lower) |> # 下限
  min(axis_upper) # 上限

# 関数曲線との対応線の座標を計算
l <- 0.5
segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c("sin", "cos", "tan", "sec", "csc", "cot") |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  #x = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), # y軸線上に並べる場合
  x = c(cos(theta), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), 
  y = c(sin(theta), cos(theta), tan(theta), 1/cos(theta), 1/sin(theta), 1/tan(theta)), 
  x_to = x_size+l, 
  y_to = y
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   fnc        x      y  x_to   y_to
##   <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 sin   -0.707 -0.707   2.5 -0.707
## 2 cos    0     -0.707   2.5 -0.707
## 3 tan    1      1       2.5  1    
## 4 sec    0     -1.41    2.5 -1.41 
## 5 csc    0     -1.41    2.5 -1.41 
## 6 cot    0      1       2.5  1



# 変数ラベル用の文字列を作成
variable_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 

# 単位円上に関数直線を作図
circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_segment(data = radian_lable_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = x, yend = y), 
               color = "white") + # 角度目盛グリッド
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = t_deg+90), label = "|", 
            size = 2) + # 角度目盛指示線
  geom_text(data = radian_lable_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = label_x, y = label_y, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_path(data = angle_mark_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 0.5) + # なす角マーク
  geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), label = "theta", parse = TRUE, 
            size = 5) + # なす角ラベル
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
            size = 1) + # 円周
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_t, y = sin_t), 
             size = 4) + # 円周上の点
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # 補助線
  geom_segment(data = function_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, 
                             color = fnc, size = width, linetype = type), na.rm = TRUE) + # 関数直線
  geom_text(data = function_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, 
                          hjust = h, vjust = v, angle = angle), 
            parse = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 関数ラベル
  geom_path(data = adapt_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = fnc), 
            size = 1, linetype = "dotted", show.legend = FALSE) + # 変換曲線
  geom_point(data = segment_circle_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = fnc), 
             size = 4, alpha = 0.5) + # 変換点
  geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y, color = fnc), 
               size = 1, linetype = "dotted", show.legend = FALSE) + # 関数曲線との対応線
  scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, 
                     values = c("black", scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec)-1))) + # (半径直線を黒色にしたい)
  scale_size_manual(breaks = c("normal", "bold", "thin"), 
                    values = c(1, 1.6, 0.8), guide = "none") + # (線が重なる対策)
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("main", "sub"), 
                        values = c("solid", "twodash"), guide = "none") + # (補助線を描き分けたい)
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(-x_size, x_size), ylim = c(-y_size, y_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "circular functions", 
       subtitle = parse(text = variable_label), 
       color = "function", 
       x = "x", y = "y")




# 関数曲線用のラジアンを指定
theta_vec <- seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, length.out = 1000)

# 円関数を計算
function_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c("sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "sec", "csc") |> 
    rep(each = length(theta_vec)) |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色用
  t = theta_vec |> 
    rep(times = 6), # (関数の数)
  f_t = c(
) |> 
    f_t = dplyr::if_else(
      (f_t >= -y_size & f_t <= y_size), true = f_t, false = NA_real_
    ) # 閾値外の値を欠損値に置換
## # A tibble: 6,000 × 3
##    fnc         t     f_t
##    <fct>   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 sin   0       0      
##  2 sin   0.00629 0.00629
##  3 sin   0.0126  0.0126 
##  4 sin   0.0189  0.0189 
##  5 sin   0.0252  0.0252 
##  6 sin   0.0314  0.0314 
##  7 sin   0.0377  0.0377 
##  8 sin   0.0440  0.0440 
##  9 sin   0.0503  0.0503 
## 10 sin   0.0566  0.0566 
## # … with 5,990 more rows



# 関数直線との対応線の座標を計算
l <- 0.7
segment_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  fnc = c("sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "sec", "csc") |> 
    factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), 
  x = theta, 
  y = c(sin(theta), cos(theta), tan(theta), 1/tan(theta), 1/cos(theta), 1/sin(theta)), 
  x_to = -l, 
  y_to = y
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   fnc       x      y  x_to   y_to
##   <fct> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 sin    3.93 -0.707  -0.7 -0.707
## 2 cos    3.93 -0.707  -0.7 -0.707
## 3 tan    3.93  1      -0.7  1    
## 4 cot    3.93  1      -0.7  1    
## 5 sec    3.93 -1.41   -0.7 -1.41 
## 6 csc    3.93 -1.41   -0.7 -1.41



# 半周期の目盛の数(分母の値)を指定
denom <- 6

# 目盛の通し番号(分子の値)を作成
numer_vec <- seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi / pi * denom, by = 1)

# 目盛ラベル用の文字列を作成
label_vec <- paste0(c("", "-")[(numer_vec < 0)+1], "frac(", abs(numer_vec), ", ", denom, ")~pi")
head(numer_vec); head(label_vec)
## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5
## [1] "frac(0, 6)~pi" "frac(1, 6)~pi" "frac(2, 6)~pi" "frac(3, 6)~pi"
## [5] "frac(4, 6)~pi" "frac(5, 6)~pi"



# 変数ラベル用の文字列を作成
variable_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta, digits = 2), 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", tan~theta==", round(tan(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cot~theta==", round(1/tan(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", sec~theta==", round(1/cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", csc~theta==", round(1/sin(theta), digits = 2), 

# 関数曲線を作図
curve_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = theta, linetype = "dashed") + # 変数垂線
  geom_line(data = function_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc), na.rm = TRUE, 
            size = 1) + # 関数曲線
  geom_point(data = segment_curve_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = fnc), 
             size = 4, alpha = 0.5) + # 曲線上の点
  geom_segment(data = segment_curve_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y, color = fnc), 
               size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + # 関数直線との対応線
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = numer_vec/denom*pi, 
                     labels = parse(text = label_vec)) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(0, 2*pi), ylim = c(-y_size, y_size)) + # 描画領域
  theme(legend.position = "none") + # 図の体裁
  labs(title = "", 
       subtitle = parse(text = variable_label), 
       x = expression(theta), 
       y = expression(f(theta)))




# 並べて描画
graph <- patchwork::wrap_plots(circle_graph, curve_graph, guides = "collect")










  \sin \theta = 0 となる  \theta = 0, \pi, 2 \pi とき、cot関数とcsc関数の線分の象限( \cot \theta, \csc \theta の符号)が変わり、cot関数とcsc関数の曲線が不連続になるのが分かります。また、 \cos \theta = 0 となる  \theta = \frac{1}{2} \pi, \frac{3}{2} \pi とき、tan関数とsec関数の線分の象限( \tan \theta, \sec \theta の符号)が変わり、tan関数とsec関数の曲線が不連続になるのが分かります。




 単位円上の点が1周する  2 \pi (tan関数の場合は半周する  \pi)の間隔で、それぞれの関数の曲線が同じ形になるのが分かります。






(追記:公開終了していますがこのままにしておきます。ハロプロダンス学園とDA PUMPのKENZOのコラボ企画のダンス動画でした。)

  • 2023.07.09:加筆修正しました。




