# 利用パッケージ library(tidyverse) library(patchwork) library(gganimate) library(magick)
$e^x$はネイピア数$e$を底とする自然指数関数です。各関数についてはそれぞれの記事をこちらのページ「Rによる三角関数(円関数)入門:記事一覧 - からっぽのしょこ」から参照してください。
# 作図用の変数の値を指定 theta_vec <- seq(from = -5, to = 5, by = 0.01) head(theta_vec)
## [1] -5.00 -4.99 -4.98 -4.97 -4.96 -4.95
# 閾値を指定 threshold <- 5 # 関数ラベルのレベルを指定 fnc_level_vec <- c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "coth", "sech", "csch") # 双曲線関数曲線の描画用 function_df <- tibble::tibble( t = rep(theta_vec, times = 6), f_t = c( sinh(theta_vec), cosh(theta_vec), tanh(theta_vec), 1/sinh(theta_vec), 1/cosh(theta_vec), 1/tanh(theta_vec) ), fnc = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") |> rep(each = length(theta_vec)) |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色分け用 ) |> dplyr::mutate( f_t = dplyr::if_else( (f_t >= -threshold & f_t <= threshold), true = f_t, false = as.numeric(NA) ) ) # 描画範囲外を欠損値に置換 function_df
## # A tibble: 6,006 × 3 ## t f_t fnc ## <dbl> <dbl> <fct> ## 1 -5 NA sinh ## 2 -4.99 NA sinh ## 3 -4.98 NA sinh ## 4 -4.97 NA sinh ## 5 -4.96 NA sinh ## 6 -4.95 NA sinh ## 7 -4.94 NA sinh ## 8 -4.93 NA sinh ## 9 -4.92 NA sinh ## 10 -4.91 NA sinh ## # … with 5,996 more rows
# 双曲線関数数曲線を作図 ggplot() + geom_line(data = function_df, mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc), size = 1, alpha = 0.5) + # 双曲線関数曲線 geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + # 漸近線 labs(title = "hyperbolic functions", color = "function", x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))
また、$x = 0$の漸近線をgeom_vline()
続いて、双曲線関数の可視化に利用する単位双曲線(unit hyperbola)のグラフを作成します。双曲線については「【R】双曲線の作図 - からっぽのしょこ」を参照してください。
# 作図用の変数の値を指定 theta_vec <- seq(from = -2, to = 2, by = 0.002) # 双曲線の描画用 hyperbola_df <- tibble::tibble( t = c(theta_vec, theta_vec), sinh_t = c(sinh(theta_vec), sinh(theta_vec)), cosh_t = c(cosh(theta_vec), -cosh(theta_vec)), sign = rep(c("plus", "minus"), each = length(theta_vec))# 符号 ) # 軸の最大値を設定 axis_max <- hyperbola_df[["cosh_t"]] |> max() |> ceiling() # 漸近線の描画用 asymptote_df <- tibble::tibble( x = seq(from = -axis_max, to = axis_max, length.out = 100) |> rep(times = 2), y = rep(c(1, -1), each = 100) * x, slope = rep(c("plus", "minus"), each = 100) # 符号 ) # 正方形グリッドの描画用 square_df <- tibble::tibble( x = c(1, 1, -1, -1, 1), y = c(1, -1, -1, 1, 1) ) # 軸線の描画用 axis_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c(-axis_max, 0), y_from = c(0, -axis_max), x_to = c(axis_max, 0), y_to = c(0, axis_max), axis = c("x", "y") )
# 単位双曲線を作図 ggplot() + geom_segment(data = axis_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, group = "axis"), arrow = arrow(length = unit(10, units = "pt"))) + # 軸線 geom_path(data = square_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), linetype = "dashed") + # 正方形グリッド geom_line(data = asymptote_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = slope), linetype = "dashed") + # 漸近線 geom_path(data = hyperbola_df, mapping = aes(x = cosh_t, y = sinh_t, group = sign), size = 1) + # 双曲線 theme(legend.text.align = 0.5) + # 凡例の体裁:(凡例表示用) coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = c(-axis_max, axis_max), ylim = c(-axis_max, axis_max)) + # 表示範囲 labs(title = "unit hyperbola", x = "x", y = "y")
# 変数の値を指定 theta <- -1.5
# 双曲線上の点の描画用 hyperbola_point_df <- tibble::tibble( t = theta, x = cosh(theta), y = sinh(theta), ) hyperbola_point_df
## # A tibble: 1 × 3 ## t x y ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 -1.5 2.35 -2.13
単位双曲線上の点のx軸の値$\cosh \theta$とy軸の値$\sinh \theta$を格納します。
# 変数(面積)の描画用 variable_area_df <- tibble::tibble( x = seq(from = 0, to = cosh(theta), length.out = 50), sign = dplyr::if_else(theta >= 0, true = 1, false = -1), # 符号 curve = sign * sqrt(x^2 - 1), # x軸と双曲線上の線分 straight = sinh(theta)/cosh(theta) * x # 原点と曲線上の点の線分 ) |> dplyr::mutate( curve = dplyr::if_else(is.na(curve), true = 0, false = curve) ) # 双曲線の範囲外を0に置換 variable_area_df
## # A tibble: 50 × 4 ## x sign curve straight ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 0 -1 0 0 ## 2 0.0480 -1 0 -0.0435 ## 3 0.0960 -1 0 -0.0869 ## 4 0.144 -1 0 -0.130 ## 5 0.192 -1 0 -0.174 ## 6 0.240 -1 0 -0.217 ## 7 0.288 -1 0 -0.261 ## 8 0.336 -1 0 -0.304 ## 9 0.384 -1 0 -0.348 ## 10 0.432 -1 0 -0.391 ## # … with 40 more rows
「原点と双曲線上の点を結ぶ線分」と「$0 \leq x < 1$の範囲のx軸線($y = 0$の直線)と$1 \leq x \leq \cosh \theta$の範囲の双曲線」の範囲を塗りつぶします。ただし、双曲線について、$\theta > 0$のときは$y > 0$の範囲を塗りつぶすため$y = \sqrt{x^2 - 1}$、$\theta < 0$のときは$y < 0$の範囲を塗りつぶすため$y = - \sqrt{x^2 - 1}$を使います。
x軸の値として$0$から$\cosh \theta$の範囲の値を作成してx
原点と点$(\cosh \theta, \sinh \theta)$を結ぶ直線の傾きは$a = \frac{\sinh \theta}{\cosh \theta}$です。$y = a x$を計算してstraight
# 関数ラベルのレベルを指定 fnc_level_vec <- c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") # 双曲線関数直線の描画用 function_line_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c( 0, cosh(theta), 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ), y_from = c( 0, 0, 0, sinh(theta), 0, 1, 0, 1 ), x_to = c( 0, cosh(theta), cosh(theta), cosh(theta), 1, 1/sinh(theta), 1, 1/tanh(theta) ), y_to = c( sinh(theta), sinh(theta), 0, sinh(theta), tanh(theta), 1, 1/cosh(theta), 1 ), fnc = c( "sinh", "sinh", "cosh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth" ) |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色分け用 label_flag = c( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) # 関数ラベル用 ) function_line_df
## # A tibble: 8 × 6 ## x_from y_from x_to y_to fnc label_flag ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <lgl> ## 1 0 0 0 -2.13 sinh TRUE ## 2 2.35 0 2.35 -2.13 sinh FALSE ## 3 0 0 2.35 0 cosh FALSE ## 4 0 -2.13 2.35 -2.13 cosh TRUE ## 5 1 0 1 -0.905 tanh TRUE ## 6 0 1 -0.470 1 csch TRUE ## 7 1 0 1 0.425 sech TRUE ## 8 0 1 -1.10 1 coth TRUE
各線分の始点の座標をx_from, y_from
列、終点の座標をx_to, y_to
# 双曲線関数ラベルの描画用 function_label_df <- function_line_df |> dplyr::filter(label_flag) |> # ラベル付けする辺を抽出 dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用 dplyr::summarise( x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), y = median(c(y_from, y_to)), .groups = "drop" ) |> tibble::add_column( angle = c(90, 0, 90, 0, 90, 0), v = c(-0.5, 1, 1, 1, -0.5, -0.5), fnc_label = c("sinh~theta", "cosh~theta", "tanh~theta", "csch~theta", "sech~theta", "coth~theta") # 関数ラベル ) function_label_df
## # A tibble: 6 × 6 ## fnc x y angle v fnc_label ## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 sinh 0 -1.06 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 2 cosh 1.18 -2.13 0 1 cosh~theta ## 3 tanh 1 -0.453 90 1 tanh~theta ## 4 csch -0.235 1 0 1 csch~theta ## 5 sech 1 0.213 90 -0.5 sech~theta ## 6 coth -0.552 1 0 -0.5 coth~theta
# 補助線の描画用 sub_line_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c( min(0, 1/sinh(theta)), 0, min(0, 1/tanh(theta)), 0, cosh(theta) ), y_from = c( ifelse(theta >= 0, yes = 0, no = 1), 0, ifelse(theta >= 0, yes = 0, no = 1), sinh(theta), 0 ), x_to = c( max(1, 1/sinh(theta)), cosh(theta), ifelse((sinh(theta) > 0 & sinh(theta) < 1), yes = 1/tanh(theta), no = cosh(theta)), 1, cosh(theta) ), y_to = c( ifelse(theta > 0, yes = max(1, sinh(theta)), no = sinh(theta)), 1, ifelse((sinh(theta) > 0 & sinh(theta) < 1), yes = 1, no = sinh(theta)), sinh(theta), 1 ), fnc = c( "csch", "sech", "coth", "1(csch)", "1(sech)" ) # 確認用 ) sub_line_df
## # A tibble: 5 × 5 ## x_from y_from x_to y_to fnc ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 -0.470 1 1 -2.13 csch ## 2 0 0 2.35 1 sech ## 3 -1.10 1 2.35 -2.13 coth ## 4 0 -2.13 1 -2.13 1(csch) ## 5 2.35 0 2.35 1 1(sech)
# 定数ラベルの描画用 constant_label_df <- tibble::tibble( x = c(0.5, cosh(theta)), y = c(sinh(theta), 0.5), angle = c(0, 90), v = c(-0.5, 1), fnc_label = c("1", "1") # 関数ラベル ) constant_label_df
## # A tibble: 2 × 5 ## x y angle v fnc_label ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 0.5 -2.13 0 -0.5 1 ## 2 2.35 0.5 90 1 1
# 関数ラベルの描画用 function_label <- paste0( "list(", "theta==", theta, ", sinh~theta==", round(sinh(theta), digits = 2), ", cosh~theta==", round(cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", tanh~theta==", round(tanh(theta), digits = 2), ", csch~theta==", round(1/sinh(theta), digits = 2), ", sech~theta==", round(1/cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", coth~theta==", round(1/tanh(theta), digits = 2), ")" ) function_label
## [1] "list(theta==-1.5, sinh~theta==-2.13, cosh~theta==2.35, tanh~theta==-0.91, csch~theta==-0.47, sech~theta==0.43, coth~theta==-1.1)"
、複数の(数式上の)変数を並べるにはlist(変数1, 変数2)
# 双曲線関数を作図 ggplot() + geom_segment(data = axis_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, group = "axis"), arrow = arrow(length = unit(10, units = "pt"))) + # 軸線 geom_line(data = asymptote_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = slope), linetype = "dashed") + # 漸近線 geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # csch,coth関数用の補助線 geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # tanh,sech関数用の補助線 geom_path(data = hyperbola_df, mapping = aes(x = cosh_t, y = sinh_t, group = sign), size = 1) + # 双曲線 geom_point(data = hyperbola_point_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), size = 5) + # 双曲線上の点 geom_ribbon(data = variable_area_df, mapping = aes(x = x, ymin = curve, ymax = straight), fill = "#00A968", alpha = 0.5) + # 変数(面積) geom_text(mapping = aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.25*tanh(theta), label = "frac(theta, 2)"), parse = TRUE, size = 3) + # 変数ラベル geom_segment(data = function_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc, size = fnc)) + # 双曲線関数直線 geom_segment(data = sub_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to)) + # 導出用の辺 geom_text(data = constant_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, angle = angle, vjust = v)) + # 定数ラベル geom_text(data = function_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, angle = angle, vjust = v), parse = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 双曲線関数ラベル scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, values = scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec))) + scale_size_manual(breaks = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth"), values = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1, 1), guide = "none") + coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-axis_max, axis_max), ylim = c(-axis_max, axis_max)) + # 表示範囲 labs(title = "hyperbolic functions", subtitle = parse(text = function_label), color = "function", x = expression(cosh~theta), y = expression(sinh~theta))
でラベル(文字列)を描画します。この例では、変数ラベルを$(0.5, 0.25 \tanh \theta)$の位置に配置します。
# フレーム数を指定 frame_num <- 101 # 変数の値を作成 theta_i <- seq(from = -2, to = 2, length.out = frame_num) # 範囲を指定 head(theta_i)
## [1] -2.00 -1.96 -1.92 -1.88 -1.84 -1.80
# フレーム切替用ラベルのレベルを作成 frame_label_vec <- paste0( "θ = ", round(theta_i, digits = 2), ", sinh θ = ", round(sinh(theta_i), digits = 2), ", cosh θ = ", round(cosh(theta_i), digits = 2), ", tanh θ = ", round(tanh(theta_i), digits = 2), ", csch θ = ", round(1/sinh(theta_i), digits = 2), ", sech θ = ", round(1/cosh(theta_i), digits = 2), ", coth θ = ", round(1/tanh(theta_i), digits = 2) ) head(frame_label_vec)
## [1] "θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, tanh θ = -0.96, csch θ = -0.28, sech θ = 0.27, coth θ = -1.04" ## [2] "θ = -1.96, sinh θ = -3.48, cosh θ = 3.62, tanh θ = -0.96, csch θ = -0.29, sech θ = 0.28, coth θ = -1.04" ## [3] "θ = -1.92, sinh θ = -3.34, cosh θ = 3.48, tanh θ = -0.96, csch θ = -0.3, sech θ = 0.29, coth θ = -1.04" ## [4] "θ = -1.88, sinh θ = -3.2, cosh θ = 3.35, tanh θ = -0.95, csch θ = -0.31, sech θ = 0.3, coth θ = -1.05" ## [5] "θ = -1.84, sinh θ = -3.07, cosh θ = 3.23, tanh θ = -0.95, csch θ = -0.33, sech θ = 0.31, coth θ = -1.05" ## [6] "θ = -1.8, sinh θ = -2.94, cosh θ = 3.11, tanh θ = -0.95, csch θ = -0.34, sech θ = 0.32, coth θ = -1.06"
# 曲線上の点の描画用 anim_point_df <- tibble::tibble( t = theta_i, x = cosh(theta_i), y = sinh(theta_i), frame_label = factor(frame_label_vec, levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル ) anim_point_df
## # A tibble: 101 × 4 ## t x y frame_label ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> ## 1 -2 3.76 -3.63 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, tanh θ = -0.96,… ## 2 -1.96 3.62 -3.48 θ = -1.96, sinh θ = -3.48, cosh θ = 3.62, tanh θ = -0.… ## 3 -1.92 3.48 -3.34 θ = -1.92, sinh θ = -3.34, cosh θ = 3.48, tanh θ = -0.… ## 4 -1.88 3.35 -3.20 θ = -1.88, sinh θ = -3.2, cosh θ = 3.35, tanh θ = -0.9… ## 5 -1.84 3.23 -3.07 θ = -1.84, sinh θ = -3.07, cosh θ = 3.23, tanh θ = -0.… ## 6 -1.8 3.11 -2.94 θ = -1.8, sinh θ = -2.94, cosh θ = 3.11, tanh θ = -0.9… ## 7 -1.76 2.99 -2.82 θ = -1.76, sinh θ = -2.82, cosh θ = 2.99, tanh θ = -0.… ## 8 -1.72 2.88 -2.70 θ = -1.72, sinh θ = -2.7, cosh θ = 2.88, tanh θ = -0.9… ## 9 -1.68 2.78 -2.59 θ = -1.68, sinh θ = -2.59, cosh θ = 2.78, tanh θ = -0.… ## 10 -1.64 2.67 -2.48 θ = -1.64, sinh θ = -2.48, cosh θ = 2.67, tanh θ = -0.… ## # … with 91 more rows
変数$\theta$と関数$\cosh \theta, \sinh \theta$の値をフレーム切替用のラベルとあわせて格納します。
# 変数(面積)の描画用 anim_variable_area_df <- tibble::tibble( t = theta_i, frame_label = factor(frame_label_vec, levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル ) |> dplyr::group_by(t, frame_label) |> # x軸の値の作成用 dplyr::summarise( x = seq(from = 0, to = cosh(t), length.out = 50), .groups = "drop" ) |> # フレームごとにx軸の値を作成 dplyr::mutate( sign = dplyr::if_else(t >= 0, true = 1, false = -1), # 符号 curve = sign * sqrt(x^2 - 1), # x軸と双曲線上の線分 curve = dplyr::if_else(is.na(curve), true = 0, false = curve), # 双曲線の範囲外を0に置換 straight = sinh(t)/cosh(t) * x # 原点と曲線上の点の線分 ) anim_variable_area_df
## # A tibble: 5,050 × 6 ## t frame_label x sign curve straight ## <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0 -1 0 0 ## 2 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.0768 -1 0 -0.0740 ## 3 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.154 -1 0 -0.148 ## 4 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.230 -1 0 -0.222 ## 5 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.307 -1 0 -0.296 ## 6 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.384 -1 0 -0.370 ## 7 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.461 -1 0 -0.444 ## 8 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.537 -1 0 -0.518 ## 9 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.614 -1 0 -0.592 ## 10 -2 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … 0.691 -1 0 -0.666 ## # … with 5,040 more rows
変数の値とフレーム切替用のラベルを格納して、変数の値(フレーム)ごとに(t, frame_label
変数の値に応じてx軸の範囲($0 \leq x \leq \cosh \theta$)が変わるので、フレームごとにsummarise()
# 変数ラベルの描画用 anim_variable_label_df <- tibble::tibble( t = theta_i, x = 0.5, y = 0.25 * tanh(theta_i), frame_label = factor(frame_label_vec, levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル ) anim_variable_label_df
## # A tibble: 101 × 4 ## t x y frame_label ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> ## 1 -2 0.5 -0.241 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, tanh θ = -0.96… ## 2 -1.96 0.5 -0.240 θ = -1.96, sinh θ = -3.48, cosh θ = 3.62, tanh θ = -0… ## 3 -1.92 0.5 -0.239 θ = -1.92, sinh θ = -3.34, cosh θ = 3.48, tanh θ = -0… ## 4 -1.88 0.5 -0.239 θ = -1.88, sinh θ = -3.2, cosh θ = 3.35, tanh θ = -0.… ## 5 -1.84 0.5 -0.238 θ = -1.84, sinh θ = -3.07, cosh θ = 3.23, tanh θ = -0… ## 6 -1.8 0.5 -0.237 θ = -1.8, sinh θ = -2.94, cosh θ = 3.11, tanh θ = -0.… ## 7 -1.76 0.5 -0.236 θ = -1.76, sinh θ = -2.82, cosh θ = 2.99, tanh θ = -0… ## 8 -1.72 0.5 -0.234 θ = -1.72, sinh θ = -2.7, cosh θ = 2.88, tanh θ = -0.… ## 9 -1.68 0.5 -0.233 θ = -1.68, sinh θ = -2.59, cosh θ = 2.78, tanh θ = -0… ## 10 -1.64 0.5 -0.232 θ = -1.64, sinh θ = -2.48, cosh θ = 2.67, tanh θ = -0… ## # … with 91 more rows
この例では、$x = 0.5$の位置に変数ラベルを配置します。塗りつぶし範囲のy軸の中点は$\frac{x \tanh \theta}{2}$で計算できます。
# 双曲線関数直線の描画用 anim_function_line_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c( rep(0, times = frame_num), cosh(theta_i), rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(1, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(1, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num) ), y_from = c( rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), sinh(theta_i), rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(1, times = frame_num), rep(0, times = frame_num), rep(1, times = frame_num) ), x_to = c( rep(0, times = frame_num), cosh(theta_i), cosh(theta_i), cosh(theta_i), rep(1, times = frame_num), 1/sinh(theta_i), rep(1, times = frame_num), 1/tanh(theta_i) ), y_to = c( sinh(theta_i), sinh(theta_i), rep(0, times = frame_num), sinh(theta_i), tanh(theta_i), rep(1, times = frame_num), 1/cosh(theta_i), rep(1, times = frame_num) ), fnc = c( "sinh", "sinh", "cosh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth" ) |> rep(each = frame_num) |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色分け用 label_flag = c( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) |> rep(each = frame_num), # 関数ラベル用 frame_label = frame_label_vec |> rep(times = 8) |> factor(levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル ) anim_function_line_df
## # A tibble: 808 × 7 ## x_from y_from x_to y_to fnc label_flag frame_label ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <lgl> <fct> ## 1 0 0 0 -3.63 sinh TRUE θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ… ## 2 0 0 0 -3.48 sinh TRUE θ = -1.96, sinh θ = -3.48, cosh… ## 3 0 0 0 -3.34 sinh TRUE θ = -1.92, sinh θ = -3.34, cosh… ## 4 0 0 0 -3.20 sinh TRUE θ = -1.88, sinh θ = -3.2, cosh … ## 5 0 0 0 -3.07 sinh TRUE θ = -1.84, sinh θ = -3.07, cosh… ## 6 0 0 0 -2.94 sinh TRUE θ = -1.8, sinh θ = -2.94, cosh … ## 7 0 0 0 -2.82 sinh TRUE θ = -1.76, sinh θ = -2.82, cosh… ## 8 0 0 0 -2.70 sinh TRUE θ = -1.72, sinh θ = -2.7, cosh … ## 9 0 0 0 -2.59 sinh TRUE θ = -1.68, sinh θ = -2.59, cosh… ## 10 0 0 0 -2.48 sinh TRUE θ = -1.64, sinh θ = -2.48, cosh… ## # … with 798 more rows
# 双曲線関数ラベルの描画用 anim_function_label_df <- anim_function_line_df |> dplyr::filter(label_flag) |> # ラベル付けする辺を抽出 dplyr::group_by(fnc, frame_label) |> # 中点の計算用 dplyr::summarise( x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), y = median(c(y_from, y_to)), .groups = "drop" ) |> tibble::add_column( angle = c(90, 0, 90, 0, 90, 0) |> rep(each = frame_num), v = c(-0.5, 1, 1, 1, -0.5, -0.5) |> rep(each = frame_num), fnc_label = c("sinh~theta", "cosh~theta", "tanh~theta", "csch~theta", "sech~theta", "coth~theta") |> rep(each = frame_num) # 関数ラベル ) anim_function_label_df
## # A tibble: 606 × 7 ## fnc frame_label x y angle v fnc_label ## <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 sinh θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = … 0 -1.81 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 2 sinh θ = -1.96, sinh θ = -3.48, cosh θ… 0 -1.74 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 3 sinh θ = -1.92, sinh θ = -3.34, cosh θ… 0 -1.67 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 4 sinh θ = -1.88, sinh θ = -3.2, cosh θ … 0 -1.60 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 5 sinh θ = -1.84, sinh θ = -3.07, cosh θ… 0 -1.53 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 6 sinh θ = -1.8, sinh θ = -2.94, cosh θ … 0 -1.47 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 7 sinh θ = -1.76, sinh θ = -2.82, cosh θ… 0 -1.41 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 8 sinh θ = -1.72, sinh θ = -2.7, cosh θ … 0 -1.35 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 9 sinh θ = -1.68, sinh θ = -2.59, cosh θ… 0 -1.29 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## 10 sinh θ = -1.64, sinh θ = -2.48, cosh θ… 0 -1.24 90 -0.5 sinh~theta ## # … with 596 more rows
の列を取り出して、関数とフレームごとに(fnc, frame_label
# 補助線の描画用 anim_sub_line_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c( apply(cbind(0, 1/sinh(theta_i)), MARGIN = 1, FUN = min), rep(0, times = frame_num), apply(cbind(0, 1/tanh(theta_i)), MARGIN = 1, FUN = min), rep(0, times = frame_num), cosh(theta_i) ), y_from = c( ifelse(theta_i >= 0, yes = 0, no = 1), rep(0, times = frame_num), ifelse(theta_i >= 0, yes = 0, no = 1), sinh(theta_i), rep(0, times = frame_num) ), x_to = c( apply(cbind(1, 1/sinh(theta_i)), MARGIN = 1, FUN = max), cosh(theta_i), ifelse((sinh(theta_i) > 0 & sinh(theta_i) < 1), yes = 1/tanh(theta_i), no = cosh(theta_i)), rep(1, times = frame_num), cosh(theta_i) ), y_to = c( ifelse(theta_i > 0, yes = apply(cbind(1, sinh(theta_i)), MARGIN = 1, FUN = max), no = sinh(theta_i)), rep(1, times = frame_num), ifelse((sinh(theta_i) > 0 & sinh(theta_i) < 1), yes = 1, no = sinh(theta_i)), sinh(theta_i), rep(1, times = frame_num) ), fnc = c( "csch", "sech", "coth", "1(csch)", "1(sech)" ) |> rep(each = frame_num), # 確認用 frame_label = frame_label_vec |> rep(times = 5) |> factor(levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル ) anim_sub_line_df
## # A tibble: 505 × 6 ## x_from y_from x_to y_to fnc frame_label ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <fct> ## 1 -0.276 1 1 -3.63 csch θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, ta… ## 2 -0.287 1 1 -3.48 csch θ = -1.96, sinh θ = -3.48, cosh θ = 3.62,… ## 3 -0.300 1 1 -3.34 csch θ = -1.92, sinh θ = -3.34, cosh θ = 3.48,… ## 4 -0.312 1 1 -3.20 csch θ = -1.88, sinh θ = -3.2, cosh θ = 3.35, … ## 5 -0.326 1 1 -3.07 csch θ = -1.84, sinh θ = -3.07, cosh θ = 3.23,… ## 6 -0.340 1 1 -2.94 csch θ = -1.8, sinh θ = -2.94, cosh θ = 3.11, … ## 7 -0.355 1 1 -2.82 csch θ = -1.76, sinh θ = -2.82, cosh θ = 2.99,… ## 8 -0.370 1 1 -2.70 csch θ = -1.72, sinh θ = -2.7, cosh θ = 2.88, … ## 9 -0.386 1 1 -2.59 csch θ = -1.68, sinh θ = -2.59, cosh θ = 2.78,… ## 10 -0.403 1 1 -2.48 csch θ = -1.64, sinh θ = -2.48, cosh θ = 2.67,… ## # … with 495 more rows
# 定数ラベルの描画用 anim_constant_label_df <- tibble::tibble( x = c(rep(0.5, times = frame_num), cosh(theta_i)), y = c(sinh(theta_i), rep(0.5, times = frame_num)), angle = c(0, 90) |> rep(each = frame_num), v = c(-0.5, 1) |> rep(each = frame_num), fnc_label = c("1", "1") |> rep(each = frame_num), # 関数ラベル frame_label = frame_label_vec |> rep(times = 2) |> factor(levels = frame_label_vec) # フレーム切替用ラベル ) anim_constant_label_df
## # A tibble: 202 × 6 ## x y angle v fnc_label frame_label ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <fct> ## 1 0.5 -3.63 0 -0.5 1 θ = -2, sinh θ = -3.63, cosh θ = 3.76, … ## 2 0.5 -3.48 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.96, sinh θ = -3.48, cosh θ = 3.6… ## 3 0.5 -3.34 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.92, sinh θ = -3.34, cosh θ = 3.4… ## 4 0.5 -3.20 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.88, sinh θ = -3.2, cosh θ = 3.35… ## 5 0.5 -3.07 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.84, sinh θ = -3.07, cosh θ = 3.2… ## 6 0.5 -2.94 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.8, sinh θ = -2.94, cosh θ = 3.11… ## 7 0.5 -2.82 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.76, sinh θ = -2.82, cosh θ = 2.9… ## 8 0.5 -2.70 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.72, sinh θ = -2.7, cosh θ = 2.88… ## 9 0.5 -2.59 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.68, sinh θ = -2.59, cosh θ = 2.7… ## 10 0.5 -2.48 0 -0.5 1 θ = -1.64, sinh θ = -2.48, cosh θ = 2.6… ## # … with 192 more rows
# 双曲線関数のアニメーションを作図 anim <- ggplot() + geom_segment(data = axis_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, group = "axis"), arrow = arrow(length = unit(10, units = "pt"))) + # 軸線 geom_line(data = asymptote_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = slope), linetype = "dashed") + # 漸近線 geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # csch,coth関数用の補助線 geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # tanh,sech関数用の補助線 geom_path(data = hyperbola_df, mapping = aes(x = cosh_t, y = sinh_t, group = sign), size = 1) + # 双曲線 geom_point(data = anim_point_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), size = 5) + # 双曲線上の点 geom_ribbon(data = anim_variable_area_df, mapping = aes(x = x, ymin = curve, ymax = straight), fill = "#00A968", alpha = 0.5) + # 変数(面積) geom_text(mapping = aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.25*tanh(theta), label = "frac(theta, 2)"), parse = TRUE, size = 3) + # 変数ラベル geom_segment(data = anim_function_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc, size = fnc)) + # 双曲線関数直線 geom_segment(data = anim_sub_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to)) + # 導出用の辺 geom_text(data = anim_constant_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, angle = angle, vjust = v)) + # 定数ラベル geom_text(data = anim_function_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, angle = angle, vjust = v), parse = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 双曲線関数ラベル gganimate::transition_manual(frames = frame_label) + # フレーム scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, values = scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec))) + scale_size_manual(breaks = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth"), values = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1, 1), guide = "none") + coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = c(-axis_max, axis_max), ylim = c(-axis_max, axis_max)) + # 表示範囲 labs(title = "hyperbolic functions", subtitle = "{current_frame}", color = "function", x = expression(cosh~theta), y = expression(sinh~theta)) # gif画像を作成 gganimate::animate(plot = anim, nframes = frame_num, fps = 10, width = 600, height = 600)
# 双曲線関数直線の描画用 function_line_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c( 0, cosh(theta), 0, 0, 1, 0, 1/sinh(theta), 1, 0, 1/tanh(theta) ), y_from = c( 0, 0, 0, sinh(theta), 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ), x_to = c( 0, cosh(theta), cosh(theta), cosh(theta), 1, 1/sinh(theta), 1/sinh(theta), 1, 1/tanh(theta), 1/tanh(theta) ), y_to = c( sinh(theta), sinh(theta), 0, sinh(theta), tanh(theta), 1, 1, 1/cosh(theta), 1, 1 ), fnc = c( "sinh", "sinh", "cosh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "csch", "sech", "coth", "coth" ) |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色分け用 label_flag = c( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ), # 関数ラベル用 line_type = c( "main", "main", "main", "main", "main", "main", "sub", "main", "main", "sub" ), # 線の種類用 line_width = c( "bold", "bold", "bold", "bold", "bold", "bold", "normal", "normal", "normal", "normal" ) ) function_line_df
## # A tibble: 10 × 8 ## x_from y_from x_to y_to fnc label_flag line_type line_width ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <lgl> <chr> <chr> ## 1 0 0 0 -2.13 sinh TRUE main bold ## 2 2.35 0 2.35 -2.13 sinh FALSE main bold ## 3 0 0 2.35 0 cosh FALSE main bold ## 4 0 -2.13 2.35 -2.13 cosh TRUE main bold ## 5 1 0 1 -0.905 tanh TRUE main bold ## 6 0 1 -0.470 1 csch TRUE main bold ## 7 -0.470 0 -0.470 1 csch FALSE sub normal ## 8 1 0 1 0.425 sech TRUE main normal ## 9 0 1 -1.10 1 coth TRUE main normal ## 10 -1.10 0 -1.10 1 coth FALSE sub normal
# 軸変換線の描画用 adapt_df <- dplyr::bind_rows( tibble::tibble( t = seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = 100), x = cos(t) * cosh(theta), y = sin(t) * cosh(theta), fnc = factor("cosh", levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ), tibble::tibble( t = dplyr::case_when( theta < 0 ~ seq(from = pi, to = 1.5*pi, length.out = 100), theta == 0 ~ 0, theta > 0 ~ seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = 100) ), x = cos(t) / abs(sinh(theta)), y = sin(t) / abs(sinh(theta)), fnc = factor("csch", levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ), tibble::tibble( t = dplyr::case_when( theta < 0 ~ seq(from = pi, to = 1.5*pi, length.out = 100), theta == 0 ~ 0, theta > 0 ~ seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = 100) ), x = cos(t) / abs(tanh(theta)), y = sin(t) / abs(tanh(theta)), fnc = factor("coth", levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ) ) adapt_df
## # A tibble: 300 × 4 ## t x y fnc ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> ## 1 0 2.35 0 cosh ## 2 0.0159 2.35 0.0373 cosh ## 3 0.0317 2.35 0.0746 cosh ## 4 0.0476 2.35 0.112 cosh ## 5 0.0635 2.35 0.149 cosh ## 6 0.0793 2.35 0.186 cosh ## 7 0.0952 2.34 0.224 cosh ## 8 0.111 2.34 0.261 cosh ## 9 0.127 2.33 0.298 cosh ## 10 0.143 2.33 0.335 cosh ## # … with 290 more rows
弧度法における角度を作成して、半径が$f(\theta)$の絶対値の弧(原点からの長さが$|f(\theta)|$の点)の座標を計算します。$\theta > 0$のときは$0 \leq t \leq \frac{\pi}{2}$、$\theta = 0$のときは$t = 0$、$\theta < 0$のときは$\pi \leq t \leq \frac{3 \pi}{2}$の角度を使います。ただし、cosh関数については、正の値のみをとるので、$0 \leq t \leq \frac{\pi}{2}$を使います。$\theta$が正の値のときの$t$は度数法における$0^{\circ}$から$90^{\circ}$の角度、$\theta$が$0$のときは$0^{\circ}$、$\theta$が負の値のときは$180^{\circ}$から$270^{\circ}$の角度に対応します。
半径が$a$の円のx軸の値は$x = a \cos t$、y軸の値は$y = a \sin t$で計算できます。
# 双曲線関数曲線との対応用 l <- 0.6 hyperbola_segment_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c(cosh(theta), 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), x_to = axis_max+l, y = c(sinh(theta), cosh(theta), tanh(theta), 1/sinh(theta), 1/cosh(theta), 1/tanh(theta)), fnc = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ) hyperbola_segment_df
## # A tibble: 6 × 4 ## x_from x_to y fnc ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> ## 1 2.35 4.6 -2.13 sinh ## 2 0 4.6 2.35 cosh ## 3 1 4.6 -0.905 tanh ## 4 0 4.6 -0.470 csch ## 5 1 4.6 0.425 sech ## 6 0 4.6 -1.10 coth
# 変数ラベルの描画用 hyperbola_label <- paste0( "list(", "theta==", theta, ", x==", round(cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", y==", round(sinh(theta), digits = 2), ")" ) # 双曲線関数を作図 hyperbola_graph <- ggplot() + geom_segment(data = axis_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, group = "axis"), arrow = arrow(length = unit(10, units = "pt"))) + # 軸線 geom_line(data = asymptote_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = slope), linetype = "dashed") + # 漸近線 geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # csch,coth関数用の補助線 geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # tanh,sech関数用の補助線 geom_path(data = hyperbola_df, mapping = aes(x = cosh_t, y = sinh_t, group = sign), size = 1) + # 双曲線 geom_point(data = hyperbola_point_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), size = 5) + # 双曲線上の点 geom_ribbon(data = variable_area_df, mapping = aes(x = x, ymin = curve, ymax = straight), fill = "#00A968", alpha = 0.5) + # 変数(面積) geom_text(mapping = aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.25*tanh(theta), label = "frac(theta, 2)"), parse = TRUE, size = 3) + # 変数ラベル geom_path(data = adapt_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = fnc), size = 1, linetype = "dotted", show.legend = FALSE) + # x軸からy軸への変換線 geom_segment(data = hyperbola_segment_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y, color = fnc), size = 1, linetype = "dotted", show.legend = FALSE) + # 双曲線関数曲線との対応線 geom_point(data = hyperbola_segment_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y, color = fnc), size = 3) + # 双曲線関数点 geom_segment(data = function_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc, size = line_width, linetype = line_type)) + # 双曲線関数直線 geom_segment(data = sub_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to)) + # 導出用の辺 geom_text(data = constant_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, angle = angle, vjust = v)) + # 定数ラベル geom_text(data = function_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, angle = angle, vjust = v), parse = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 双曲線関数ラベル scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, values = scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec))) + scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("main", "sub"), values = c("solid", "dotted"), guide = "none") + scale_size_manual(breaks = c("bold", "normal"), values = c(1.5, 1), guide = "none") + coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-axis_max, axis_max), ylim = c(-axis_max, axis_max)) + # 表示範囲 theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例を非表示 labs(title = "hyperbola", subtitle = parse(text = hyperbola_label), color = "function", x = "x", y = "y") hyperbola_graph
# 双曲線関数上の点の描画用 function_point_df <- tibble::tibble( t = theta, f_t = c( sinh(theta), cosh(theta), tanh(theta), 1/sinh(theta), 1/cosh(theta), 1/tanh(theta) ), fnc = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ) function_point_df
## # A tibble: 6 × 3 ## t f_t fnc ## <dbl> <dbl> <fct> ## 1 -1.5 -2.13 sinh ## 2 -1.5 2.35 cosh ## 3 -1.5 -0.905 tanh ## 4 -1.5 -0.470 csch ## 5 -1.5 0.425 sech ## 6 -1.5 -1.10 coth
# 双曲線との対応用 d <- 1.1 l <- 0.65 function_segment_df <- function_point_df |> dplyr::mutate(x_to = min(theta_vec)-l) |> dplyr::select(x_from = t, x_to, y = f_t, fnc) function_segment_df
## # A tibble: 6 × 4 ## x_from x_to y fnc ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> ## 1 -1.5 -2.65 -2.13 sinh ## 2 -1.5 -2.65 2.35 cosh ## 3 -1.5 -2.65 -0.905 tanh ## 4 -1.5 -2.65 -0.470 csch ## 5 -1.5 -2.65 0.425 sech ## 6 -1.5 -2.65 -1.10 coth
# 双曲線関数曲線の描画用 function_curve_df <- tibble::tibble( t = rep(theta_vec, times = 6), f_t = c( sinh(theta_vec), cosh(theta_vec), tanh(theta_vec), 1/sinh(theta_vec), 1/cosh(theta_vec), 1/tanh(theta_vec) ), fnc = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") |> rep(each = length(theta_vec)) |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色分け用 ) |> dplyr::mutate( f_t = dplyr::if_else( (f_t >= -axis_max & f_t <= axis_max), true = f_t, false = as.numeric(NA) ) ) # 描画範囲外を欠損値に置換 # 関数ラベルの描画用 function_label <- paste0( "list(", "sinh~theta==", round(sinh(theta), digits = 2), ", cosh~theta==", round(cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", tanh~theta==", round(tanh(theta), digits = 2), ", csch~theta==", round(1/sinh(theta), digits = 2), ", sech~theta==", round(1/cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", coth~theta==", round(1/tanh(theta), digits = 2), ")" ) # 双曲線関数曲線の作図 function_graph <- ggplot() + geom_vline(xintercept = theta, size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + geom_line(data = function_curve_df, mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc), size = 1) + # 双曲線関数曲線 geom_segment(data = function_segment_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y, color = fnc), size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + # 双曲線との対応線 geom_point(data = function_point_df, mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc), size = 3) + # 双曲線関数曲線上の点 scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, values = scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec))) + coord_cartesian(clip = "off", xlim = c(min(theta_vec), max(theta_vec)), ylim = c(-axis_max, axis_max)) + # 描画範囲 labs(title = "hyperbolic functions", subtitle = parse(text = function_label), color = "function", x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta))) function_graph
# 並べて描画 patchwork::wrap_plots(hyperbola_graph, function_graph, guides = "collect")
# フレーム数を指定 frame_num <- 101 # 変数の値を作成 theta_i <- seq(from = -2, to = 2, length.out = frame_num) # 範囲を指定 head(theta_i)
## [1] -2.00 -1.96 -1.92 -1.88 -1.84 -1.80
# 一時保存フォルダを指定 dir_path <- "tmp_folder" # 関数ラベルのレベルを指定 fnc_level_vec <- c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") # 変数ごとに作図 for(i in 1:frame_num) { # i番目の値を取得 theta <- theta_i[i] # 双曲線上の点の描画用 hyperbola_point_df <- tibble::tibble( t = theta, x = cosh(theta), y = sinh(theta), ) # 変数(面積)の描画用 variable_area_df <- tibble::tibble( x = seq(from = 0, to = cosh(theta), length.out = 50), sign = dplyr::if_else(theta >= 0, true = 1, false = -1), # 符号 curve = sign * sqrt(x^2 - 1), # x軸と双曲線上の線分 straight = sinh(theta)/cosh(theta) * x # 原点と曲線上の点の線分 ) |> dplyr::mutate( curve = dplyr::if_else(is.na(curve), true = 0, false = curve) ) # 双曲線の範囲外を0に置換 # 双曲線関数直線の描画用 function_line_df <- tibble::tibble( tmp_x_from = c( 0, cosh(theta), 0, 0, 1, 0, 1/sinh(theta), 1, 0, 1/tanh(theta) ), y_from = c( 0, 0, 0, sinh(theta), 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ), tmp_x_to = c( 0, cosh(theta), cosh(theta), cosh(theta), 1, 1/sinh(theta), 1/sinh(theta), 1, 1/tanh(theta), 1/tanh(theta) ), tmp_y_to = c( sinh(theta), sinh(theta), 0, sinh(theta), tanh(theta), 1, 1, 1/cosh(theta), 1, 1 ), fnc = c( "sinh", "sinh", "cosh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "csch", "sech", "coth", "coth" ) |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色分け用 label_flag = c( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ), # 関数ラベル用 line_type = c( "main", "main", "main", "main", "main", "main", "sub", "main", "main", "sub" ), # 線の種類用 line_width = c( "bold", "bold", "bold", "bold", "bold", "bold", "thin", "normal", "normal", "thin" ) # 線の太さ用 ) |> dplyr::mutate( x_from = dplyr::case_when( (tmp_x_from < -axis_max & line_type == "main") ~ -Inf, (tmp_x_from > axis_max & line_type == "main") ~ Inf, (tmp_x_from < -axis_max & line_type == "sub") ~ as.numeric(NA), (tmp_x_from > axis_max & line_type == "sub") ~ as.numeric(NA), TRUE ~ tmp_x_from ), x_to = dplyr::case_when( (tmp_x_to < -axis_max & line_type == "main") ~ -Inf, (tmp_x_to > axis_max & line_type == "main") ~ Inf, (tmp_x_to < -axis_max & line_type == "sub") ~ as.numeric(NA), (tmp_x_to > axis_max & line_type == "sub") ~ as.numeric(NA), TRUE ~ tmp_x_to ), y_to = dplyr::case_when( tmp_y_to < -axis_max ~ -Inf, tmp_y_to > axis_max ~ Inf, TRUE ~ tmp_y_to ) ) # 描画範囲外を枠の最大値に置換 # 双曲線関数ラベルの描画用 function_label_df <- function_line_df |> dplyr::filter(label_flag) |> dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用 dplyr::summarise( x = median(c(tmp_x_from, tmp_x_to)), y = median(c(y_from, tmp_y_to)), .groups = "drop" ) |> tibble::add_column( angle = c(90, 0, 90, 0, 90, 0), v = c(-0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, -0.5, -0.5), fnc_label = c("sinh~theta", "cosh~theta", "tanh~theta", "csch~theta", "sech~theta", "coth~theta") # 関数ラベル ) |> dplyr::mutate( x = dplyr::case_when( x < -axis_max ~ -Inf, x > axis_max ~ Inf, TRUE ~ x ), y_to = dplyr::case_when( y < -axis_max ~ -Inf, y > axis_max ~ Inf, TRUE ~ y ) ) # 描画範囲外を枠の最大値に置換 # 補助線の描画用 sub_line_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c( min(0, 1/sinh(theta)), 0, min(0, 1/tanh(theta)), 0, cosh(theta) ), y_from = c( ifelse(theta >= 0, yes = 0, no = 1), 0, ifelse(theta >= 0, yes = 0, no = 1), sinh(theta), 0 ), x_to = c( max(1, 1/sinh(theta)), cosh(theta), ifelse((sinh(theta) > 0 & sinh(theta) < 1), yes = 1/tanh(theta), no = cosh(theta)), 1, cosh(theta) ), y_to = c( ifelse(theta > 0, yes = max(1, sinh(theta)), no = sinh(theta)), 1, ifelse((sinh(theta) > 0 & sinh(theta) < 1), yes = 1, no = sinh(theta)), sinh(theta), 1 ), fnc = c( "csch", "sech", "coth", "1(csch)", "1(sech)" ) # 確認用 ) # 定数ラベルの描画用 constant_label_df <- tibble::tibble( x = c(0.5, cosh(theta)), y = c(sinh(theta), 0.5), angle = c(0, 90), v = c(-0.5, 1.5), fnc_label = c("1", "1") # 関数ラベル ) # 軸変換線の描画用 adapt_df <- dplyr::bind_rows( tibble::tibble( t = seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = 100), x = cos(t) * cosh(theta), y = sin(t) * cosh(theta), fnc = factor("cosh", levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ), tibble::tibble( t = dplyr::case_when( theta < 0 ~ seq(from = pi, to = 1.5*pi, length.out = 100), theta == 0 ~ 0, theta > 0 ~ seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = 100) ), x = cos(t) / abs(sinh(theta)), y = sin(t) / abs(sinh(theta)), fnc = factor("csch", levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ), tibble::tibble( t = dplyr::case_when( theta < 0 ~ seq(from = pi, to = 1.5*pi, length.out = 100), theta == 0 ~ 0, theta > 0 ~ seq(from = 0, to = 0.5*pi, length.out = 100) ), x = cos(t) / abs(tanh(theta)), y = sin(t) / abs(tanh(theta)), fnc = factor("coth", levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ) ) |> dplyr::mutate( x = dplyr::if_else( (x >= -axis_max & x <= axis_max), true = x, false = as.numeric(NA) ), y = dplyr::if_else( (y >= -axis_max & y <= axis_max), true = y, false = as.numeric(NA) ) ) # 描画範囲外を欠損値に置換 # 双曲線関数曲線との対応用 l <- 0.6 hyperbola_segment_df <- tibble::tibble( x_from = c(cosh(theta), 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), x_to = axis_max+l, y = c(sinh(theta), cosh(theta), tanh(theta), 1/sinh(theta), 1/cosh(theta), 1/tanh(theta)), fnc = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ) |> dplyr::mutate( y = dplyr::if_else( (y >= -axis_max & y <= axis_max), true = y, false = as.numeric(NA) ) ) # 描画範囲外を欠損値に置換 # 変数ラベルの描画用 hyperbola_label <- paste0( "list(", "theta==", theta, ", x==", round(cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", y==", round(sinh(theta), digits = 2), ")" ) # 双曲線関数を作図 hyperbola_graph <- ggplot() + geom_segment(data = axis_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, group = "axis"), arrow = arrow(length = unit(10, units = "pt"))) + # 軸線 geom_line(data = asymptote_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = slope), linetype = "dashed") + # 漸近線 geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # csch,coth関数用の補助線 geom_vline(xintercept = 1, linetype = "dashed") + # tanh,sech関数用の補助線 geom_path(data = hyperbola_df, mapping = aes(x = cosh_t, y = sinh_t, group = sign), size = 1) + # 双曲線 geom_point(data = hyperbola_point_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), size = 5) + # 双曲線上の点 geom_ribbon(data = variable_area_df, mapping = aes(x = x, ymin = curve, ymax = straight), fill = "#00A968", alpha = 0.5) + # 変数(面積) geom_text(mapping = aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.25*tanh(theta), label = "frac(theta, 2)"), parse = TRUE, size = 3) + # 変数ラベル geom_path(data = adapt_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = fnc), linetype = "dotted", show.legend = FALSE) + # x軸からy軸への変換線 geom_segment(data = hyperbola_segment_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y, color = fnc), linetype = "dotted", show.legend = FALSE) + # 双曲線関数曲線との対応線 geom_point(data = hyperbola_segment_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y, color = fnc), size = 3) + # 双曲線関数点 geom_segment(data = function_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc, size = line_width, linetype = line_type)) + # 双曲線関数直線 geom_segment(data = sub_line_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to)) + # 導出用の辺 geom_text(data = constant_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, angle = angle, vjust = v)) + # 定数ラベル geom_text(data = function_label_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc, angle = angle, vjust = v), parse = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE) + # 双曲線関数ラベル scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, values = scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec))) + scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("main", "sub"), values = c("solid", "dotted"), guide = "none") + scale_size_manual(breaks = c("bold", "normal", "thin"), values = c(2, 1, 0.5), guide = "none") + theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例を非表示 coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-axis_max, axis_max), ylim = c(-axis_max, axis_max)) + # 表示範囲 labs(title = "hyperbola", subtitle = parse(text = hyperbola_label), color = "function", x = "x", y = "y") # 双曲線関数上の点の描画用 function_point_df <- tibble::tibble( t = theta, f_t = c( sinh(theta), cosh(theta), tanh(theta), 1/sinh(theta), 1/cosh(theta), 1/tanh(theta) ), fnc = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec) # 色分け用 ) |> dplyr::mutate( f_t = dplyr::if_else( (f_t > -axis_max & f_t <= axis_max), true = f_t, false = as.numeric(NA) ) ) # 描画範囲外を欠損値に置換 # 双曲線関数曲線の描画用 function_curve_df <- tibble::tibble( t = rep(theta_vec, times = 6), f_t = c( sinh(theta_vec), cosh(theta_vec), tanh(theta_vec), 1/sinh(theta_vec), 1/cosh(theta_vec), 1/tanh(theta_vec) ), fnc = c("sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "csch", "sech", "coth") |> rep(each = length(theta_vec)) |> factor(levels = fnc_level_vec), # 色分け用 ) |> dplyr::mutate( f_t = dplyr::if_else( (f_t >= -axis_max & f_t <= axis_max), true = f_t, false = as.numeric(NA) ) ) # 描画範囲外を欠損値に置換 # 双曲線との対応用 d <- 1.1 l <- 0.6 function_segment_df <- function_point_df |> dplyr::mutate(x_to = min(theta_vec)-l) |> dplyr::select(x_from = t, x_to, y = f_t, fnc) # 関数ラベルの描画用 function_label <- paste0( "list(", "sinh~theta==", round(sinh(theta), digits = 2), ", cosh~theta==", round(cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", tanh~theta==", round(tanh(theta), digits = 2), ", csch~theta==", round(1/sinh(theta), digits = 2), ", sech~theta==", round(1/cosh(theta), digits = 2), ", coth~theta==", round(1/tanh(theta), digits = 2), ")" ) # 双曲線関数曲線の作図 function_graph <- ggplot() + geom_vline(xintercept = theta, linetype = "dotted") + geom_line(data = function_curve_df, mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc), size = 1) + # 双曲線関数曲線 geom_segment(data = function_segment_df, mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y, color = fnc), linetype = "dotted") + # 双曲線との対応線 geom_point(data = function_point_df, mapping = aes(x = t, y = f_t, color = fnc), size = 3) + # 双曲線関数曲線上の点 scale_color_manual(breaks = fnc_level_vec, values = scales::hue_pal()(length(fnc_level_vec))) + coord_cartesian(clip = "off", xlim = c(min(theta_vec), max(theta_vec)), ylim = c(-axis_max, axis_max)) + # 描画範囲 labs(title = "hyperbolic functions", subtitle = parse(text = function_label), color = "function", x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta))) # 並べて描画 graph <- patchwork::wrap_plots(hyperbola_graph, function_graph, guides = "collect") # ファイルを書き出し file_path <- paste0(dir_path, "/", stringr::str_pad(i, width = nchar(frame_num), pad = "0"), ".png") ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file_path, plot = graph, width = 1400, height = 800, units = "px", dpi = 100) # 途中経過を表示 message("\r", i, " / ", frame_num, appendLF = FALSE) }
# gif画像を作成 paste0(dir_path, "/", stringr::str_pad(1:frame_num, width = nchar(frame_num), pad = "0"), ".png") |> # ファイルパスを作成 magick::image_read() |> # 画像ファイルを読込 magick::image_animate(fps = 1, dispose = "previous") |> # gif画像を作成 magick::image_write_gif(path = "hyperbolic_function.gif", delay = 0.1) -> tmp_path # gifファイル書き出