









 sin関数に関して、関数または変数の係数や定数項による波の振幅・周期・平行移動の変化をグラフで確認します。sin関数の作図については「【R】sin関数の可視化 - からっぽのしょこ」を参照してください。


# 利用パッケージ



 まずは、sin関数$\sin \theta$の係数と振幅の関係を可視化します。


 角度$\theta$を固定した$k \sin \theta$をグラフで確認します。


# 関数の係数を指定
k <- 3

# 角度を指定
alpha <- 120

# ラジアンに変換
theta <- alpha / 180 * pi
## [1] 2.094395

 度数法における角度$\alpha$を指定して、弧度法における角度(ラジアン)$\theta = \alpha \frac{\pi}{180}$に変換します。$\pi$は円周率でpiで扱えます。



# 関数の点の描画用
point_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = theta, 
  sin_theta = sin(theta) * c(1, k), 
  cos_theta = cos(theta) * c(1, k), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "k sin theta")
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   theta sin_theta cos_theta fnc        
##   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>      
## 1  2.09     0.866      -0.5 sin theta  
## 2  2.09     2.60       -1.5 k sin theta

 sin関数$\sin \theta$とk倍したsin関数$k \sin \theta$、cos関数$\cos \theta$とk倍したcos関数$k \cos \theta$を計算して、$\theta$と共に格納します。(オブジェクト名と列名が重複するため、エラーにならないように処理しています。)


# 単位円の描画用
tmp_vals <- seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = 0.05)
circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = c(tmp_vals, tmp_vals), 
  sin_theta = c(sin(tmp_vals), sin(tmp_vals)*k), 
  cos_theta = c(cos(tmp_vals), cos(tmp_vals)*k), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), each = length(tmp_vals))
## # A tibble: 252 × 4
##    theta sin_theta cos_theta fnc      
##    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    
##  1  0       0          1     sin theta
##  2  0.05    0.0500     0.999 sin theta
##  3  0.1     0.0998     0.995 sin theta
##  4  0.15    0.149      0.989 sin theta
##  5  0.2     0.199      0.980 sin theta
##  6  0.25    0.247      0.969 sin theta
##  7  0.3     0.296      0.955 sin theta
##  8  0.35    0.343      0.939 sin theta
##  9  0.4     0.389      0.921 sin theta
## 10  0.45    0.435      0.900 sin theta
## # … with 242 more rows

 単位円の作図用のラジアン$0 \leq \theta \leq 2 \pi$を作成して、$\sin \theta, \cos \theta$を計算します。単位円の座標は、x軸の値$x = \cos \theta$、y軸の値$y = \sin \theta$に対応します。


# 角度目盛の描画用
tick_df <- tibble::tibble(
  alpha = 0:11 * 30, 
  theta = 0:11 / 6 * pi, 
  x = cos(theta), 
  y = sin(theta), 
  rad_label = paste0("frac(", 0:11, ", 6)~pi")
## # A tibble: 12 × 5
##    alpha theta         x         y rad_label     
##    <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>         
##  1     0 0      1   e+ 0  0        frac(0, 6)~pi 
##  2    30 0.524  8.66e- 1  5   e- 1 frac(1, 6)~pi 
##  3    60 1.05   5   e- 1  8.66e- 1 frac(2, 6)~pi 
##  4    90 1.57   6.12e-17  1   e+ 0 frac(3, 6)~pi 
##  5   120 2.09  -5   e- 1  8.66e- 1 frac(4, 6)~pi 
##  6   150 2.62  -8.66e- 1  5   e- 1 frac(5, 6)~pi 
##  7   180 3.14  -1   e+ 0  1.22e-16 frac(6, 6)~pi 
##  8   210 3.67  -8.66e- 1 -5   e- 1 frac(7, 6)~pi 
##  9   240 4.19  -5.00e- 1 -8.66e- 1 frac(8, 6)~pi 
## 10   270 4.71  -1.84e-16 -1   e+ 0 frac(9, 6)~pi 
## 11   300 5.24   5   e- 1 -8.66e- 1 frac(10, 6)~pi
## 12   330 5.76   8.66e- 1 -5.00e- 1 frac(11, 6)~pi

 $30^{\circ} = 30 \frac{\pi}{180} = \frac{\pi}{6}$間隔で、$\frac{n}{6} \pi\ (n = 0, \dots, 11)$の形で目盛を表示することにします。


# 半径の描画用
radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
  y_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
  x_to = c(1, cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
  y_to = c(0, sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
  fnc = c("r", "sin theta", "k sin theta")

# 角度マークの描画用
d <- 0.1
angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), length.out = 100), 
  x = cos(theta) * d, 
  y = sin(theta) * d

# 角度ラベルの描画用
d <- 0.2
angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = 0.5 * theta, 
  x = cos(theta) * d, 
  y = sin(theta) * d, 
  angle_label = "theta"
radius_df; angle_df; angle_label_df
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to fnc        
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      
## 1      0      0   1   0     r          
## 2      0      0  -0.5 0.866 sin theta  
## 3      0      0  -1.5 2.60  k sin theta
## # A tibble: 100 × 3
##     theta      x       y
##     <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 0      0.1    0      
##  2 0.0212 0.100  0.00212
##  3 0.0423 0.0999 0.00423
##  4 0.0635 0.0998 0.00634
##  5 0.0846 0.0996 0.00845
##  6 0.106  0.0994 0.0106 
##  7 0.127  0.0992 0.0127 
##  8 0.148  0.0989 0.0148 
##  9 0.169  0.0986 0.0168 
## 10 0.190  0.0982 0.0189 
## # … with 90 more rows
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##   theta     x     y angle_label
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      
## 1  1.05   0.1 0.173 theta

 $0^{\circ}, \theta$のそれぞれの角度における半径を描画するために、原点と円周上の点を結ぶ線分の座標を格納してradius_dfとします。始点の座標をx_from, y_from、終点の座標をx_to, y_to列とします。
 扇形(角度マーク)を描画するための値(ラジアン)を作成して、x軸とy軸の値を計算してangle_dfとします。$\theta$が正の値($\theta > 0$)のときは$0$から$\theta$、負の値($\theta < 0$)のときは$\theta$から$0$の値となるように処理します。


# sin関数の線の描画用
sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
  y_from = c(0, 0), 
  x_to = c(cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
  y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "k sin theta")

# sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
  dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用
    # 中点に配置
    x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
    y = median(c(y_from, y_to))
  ) |> 
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
    fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "k~sin~theta")
  ) |> 
  dplyr::select(x, y, fnc, fnc_label)
sin_line_df; sin_label_df
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to fnc        
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      
## 1   -0.5      0  -0.5 0.866 sin theta  
## 2   -1.5      0  -1.5 2.60  k sin theta
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##       x     y fnc         fnc_label  
##   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      
## 1  -0.5 0.433 sin theta   sin~theta  
## 2  -1.5 1.30  k sin theta k~sin~theta

 sin関数の値は、角度$\theta$における単位円上の点$(\cos \theta, \sin \theta)$と、$x = 0$の直線への垂線との交点$(\cos \theta, 0)$を結ぶ線分で表現できます。同様に、k倍した値も格納します。それぞれ始点と終点の座標を格納してsin_line_dfとします。


# 描画領域のサイズを設定
axis_size <- max(1, abs(k)) + 0.5
l         <- 1.5

# サイン波との対応用
segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
  y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
  x_to = c(-axis_size-l, -axis_size-l), 
  y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "k sin theta")
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to fnc        
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      
## 1   -0.5  0.866    -5 0.866 sin theta  
## 2   -1.5  2.60     -5 2.60  k sin theta



# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", k==", k, 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 

# 単位円を作図
d <- 1.2
circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta, group = fnc, linetype = fnc), 
            size = 1) + # 単位円
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
            label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, linetype = fnc)) + # 半径
  geom_path(data = angle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) + # 角度マーク
  geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label), parse = TRUE) + # 角度ラベル
  geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
               size = 1) + # sin関数
  geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc), parse = TRUE, 
             angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # sin関数ラベル
  geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # sin波との対応線
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
             size = 4) + # 円上の点
  scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), 
                     values = c("red", "blue")) + # 線の色
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "k sin theta", "r"), 
                        values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid")) + # 線の種類
  theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "unit circle", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = "x", y = "y")


 ラベル配置位置の調整用の値をdとして、tick_dfを使って角度ラベルを描画します。また、x軸・y軸方向の配置位置の調整用の引数hjust, yjustに、x, y列の値を使って指定しています。x, y列($\sin \theta, \cos \theta$)は―1から1の値をとります。0.5を掛けると-0.5から0.5の値となり、さらに0.5を足すと0から1の値になります。(hjust, vjustを指定せずにdを少し大きくしても同様の図になります。)


# 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
theta_vals <- seq(from = theta-2*pi, to = theta+2*pi, by = 0.01)
## [1] -4.18879 -4.17879 -4.16879 -4.15879 -4.14879 -4.13879

 この例では、指定した$\theta$を中心に前後$2 \pi$を範囲とします。範囲(サイズ)を$2 \pi$にすると、1周期分の曲線を描画できます。この例は、2周期になります。


# サイン波の描画用
sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = c(theta_vals, theta_vals), 
  sin_theta = c(sin(theta_vals), sin(theta_vals)*k), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), each = length(theta_vals))
## # A tibble: 2,514 × 3
##    theta sin_theta fnc      
##    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    
##  1 -4.19     0.866 sin theta
##  2 -4.18     0.861 sin theta
##  3 -4.17     0.856 sin theta
##  4 -4.16     0.851 sin theta
##  5 -4.15     0.845 sin theta
##  6 -4.14     0.840 sin theta
##  7 -4.13     0.834 sin theta
##  8 -4.12     0.829 sin theta
##  9 -4.11     0.823 sin theta
## 10 -4.10     0.818 sin theta
## # … with 2,504 more rows

 作図用の$\theta$の値と$\sin \theta, k \sin \theta$の値を格納します。


# x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
d <- 1.1
segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(theta, theta, theta, theta), 
  y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta), sin(theta)*k, sin(theta)*k), 
  x_to = c(theta, max(theta_vals)+l, theta, max(theta_vals)+l), 
  y_to = c(-axis_size*d, sin(theta), -axis_size*d, sin(theta)*k), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), each = 2)
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to   y_to fnc        
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      
## 1   2.09  0.866  2.09 -3.85  sin theta  
## 2   2.09  0.866  9.87  0.866 sin theta  
## 3   2.09  2.60   2.09 -3.85  k sin theta
## 4   2.09  2.60   9.87  2.60  k sin theta



# x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
tick_min <- floor(min(theta_vals) * 6 / pi)
tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+25, by = 1)
##  [1] -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
## [26] 16

 単位円の目盛と同様に、$30^{\circ} = \frac{\pi}{6}$間隔で目盛を表示することにします。$\frac{n}{6} \pi$の形で目盛を描画するために、作図用の角度$\theta$の最小値を、floor()で小数点以下を切り捨てて、$\frac{6}{\pi}$倍して、最小値の$n$を求めてtick_minとします。
 theta_valsのサイズが$4 \pi$の場合は、$n$から$n+25$までの整数を生成してtick_vecとします。


# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", k==", k, 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", k~sin~theta==", round(sin(theta)*k, digits = 2), 

# サイン波を作図
sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = fnc), 
            size = 1) + # sin関数
  geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # 単位円との対応線
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
             size = 4) + # 関数曲線上の点
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                     labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), 
                     values = c("red", "blue"), 
                     labels = parse(text = c("sin~theta", "k~sin~theta")), 
                     name = "function") + # 線の色
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(min(theta_vals), max(theta_vals)), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "sine curve", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))


 scale_x_continuous()でx軸目盛を設定します。目盛の表示位置の引数breakstick_vecを$\frac{\pi}{6}$倍した値、目盛ラベルの引数labelsに$\frac{n}{6} \pi$の形の文字列を指定します。


# グラフを並べて描画
patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
  patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")


・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, k = 3$のグラフ


 点$(k \cos \theta, k \sin \theta)$は、半径がkの円(単位円をk倍した円)上の点になります。よって、サイン波の振幅もk倍になるのを確認できます。

・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, k = -1$のグラフ


 $k$が負の値のとき、円周上の点については原点に対して反転し、サイン波については$x = 0$の直線に対して反転したグラフになります。また、「変数をa倍する場合」で確認する$a = -1$のとき、「変数にbを加える場合」で確認する$b = \pi = 180^{\circ}$のときと同じグラフになることから、$-\sin \theta = \sin(-\theta) = \sin(\theta + 180^{\circ})$が成り立つのを確認できます。

・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, k = \frac{1}{2}$のグラフ






# フレーム数を指定
frame_num <- 100

# 関数の係数を指定
k <- 3

# 角度の範囲を指定
theta_min <- -2 * pi
theta_max <- 2 * pi

# フレームごとの角度を作成
theta_i <- seq(from = theta_min, to = theta_max, length.out = frame_num+1)[1:frame_num]
## [1] -6.283185 -6.157522 -6.031858 -5.906194 -5.780530 -5.654867

 フレーム数frame_numと、角度(ラジアン)$\theta$の最小値theta_min・最大値theta_maxを指定して、frame_num個の等間隔の$\theta$の値を作成します。三角関数は$2 \pi$で1周期なので、最小値に$2 \pi$の$n$倍を加えた値を最大値にして、等間隔に切り分け最大値自体を除くと、最後のフレームと最初のフレームの繋がりが良くなります。



# 一時保存フォルダを指定
dir_path <- "tmp_folder"

# 描画領域のサイズを設定
axis_size <- max(1, abs(k)) + 0.5
l         <- 1.5

# 単位円の描画用
tmp_vals <- seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = 0.05)
circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = c(tmp_vals, tmp_vals), 
  sin_theta = c(sin(tmp_vals), sin(tmp_vals)*k), 
  cos_theta = c(cos(tmp_vals), cos(tmp_vals)*k), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), each = length(tmp_vals))

# 角度ごとに作図
for(i in 1:frame_num) {
  # i番目の角度を取得
  theta <- theta_i[i]
  # 関数の点の描画用
  point_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = theta, 
    sin_theta = sin(theta) * c(1, k), 
    cos_theta = cos(theta) * c(1, k), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "k sin theta")
  # 半径の描画用
  radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
    y_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
    x_to = c(1, cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
    y_to = c(0, sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
    fnc = c("r", "sin theta", "k sin theta")
  # 角度マークの描画用
  d <- 0.1
  angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), length.out = 100), 
    x = cos(theta) * d, 
    y = sin(theta) * d
  # 角度ラベルの描画用
  d <- 0.2
  angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = 0.5 * theta, 
    x = cos(theta) * d, 
    y = sin(theta) * d, 
    angle_label = "theta"
  # sin関数の線の描画用
  sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
    y_from = c(0, 0), 
    x_to = c(cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
    y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "k sin theta")
  # sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
  sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
    dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用
      # 中点に配置
      x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
      y = median(c(y_from, y_to))
    ) |> 
    dplyr::ungroup() |> 
      fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "k~sin~theta")
    ) |> 
    dplyr::select(x, y, fnc, fnc_label)
  # サイン波との対応用
  segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta)*k), 
    y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
    x_to = c(-axis_size-l, -axis_size-l), 
    y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta)*k), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "k sin theta")
  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", k==", k, 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
    ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  # 単位円を作図
  d <- 1.2
  circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_path(data = circle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta, group = fnc, linetype = fnc), 
              size = 1) + # 単位円
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
              label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                            hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, linetype = fnc)) + # 半径
    geom_path(data = angle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) + # 角度マーク
    geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label), parse = TRUE) + # 角度ラベル
    geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
                 size = 1) + # sin関数
    geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc), parse = TRUE, 
               angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # sin関数ラベル
    geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # sin波との対応線
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
               size = 4) + # 円上の点
    scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), 
                       values = c("red", "blue")) + # 線の色
    scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "k sin theta", "r"), 
                          values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid")) + # 線の種類
    theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "unit circle", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = "x", y = "y")
  # 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
  theta_size <- 2 * pi
  theta_vals <- seq(from = max(theta_min, theta-theta_size), to = theta, by = 0.01)
  # サイン波の描画用
  sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = c(theta_vals, theta_vals), 
    sin_theta = c(sin(theta_vals), sin(theta_vals)*k), 
    fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), each = length(theta_vals))
  # x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
  d <- 1.1
  segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(theta, theta, theta, theta), 
    y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta), sin(theta)*k, sin(theta)*k), 
    x_to = c(theta, max(theta_vals)+l, theta, max(theta_vals)+l), 
    y_to = c(-axis_size*d, sin(theta), -axis_size*d, sin(theta)*k), 
    fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), each = 2)
  # x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
  tick_min <- floor((theta-theta_size) * 6 / pi)
  tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+13, by = 1)
  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", k==", k, 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
    ", k~sin~theta==", round(sin(theta)*k, digits = 2), 
  # サイン波を作図
  sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = fnc), 
              size = 1) + # sin関数
    geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # 単位円との対応線
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
               size = 4) + # 関数曲線上の点
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                       labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "k sin theta"), 
                       values = c("red", "blue"), 
                       labels = parse(text = c("sin~theta", "k~sin~theta")), 
                       name = "function") + # 線の色
    #theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(theta-theta_size, theta), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "sine curve", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))
  # グラフを並べて描画
  graph <- patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
      patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")
  # ファイルを書き出し
  file_path <- paste0(dir_path, "/", stringr::str_pad(i, width = nchar(frame_num), pad = "0"), ".png")
  ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file_path, plot = graph, width = 1200, height = 600, units = "px", dpi = 100)
  # 途中経過を表示
  message("\r", i, "/", frame_num, appendLF = FALSE)

 ($\theta = 0$のときの作図では、angle_dfが1行しか値を持たないため、geom_path()で描画できずメッセージが表示されます。)


# ファイル名を取得
file_name_vec <- list.files(dir_path)

# ファイルパスを作成
file_path_vec <- paste0(dir_path, "/", file_name_vec)

# gif画像を作成
file_path_vec |> 
  magick::image_read() |> 
  magick::image_animate(fps = 1, dispose = "previous") |> 
  magick::image_write_gif(path = "sin.gif", delay = 0.1) -> tmp_path


・$k = 3$の推移


 sin関数をk倍することで振幅がk倍になりますが、$2 \pi$間隔の周期(角速度)に変化がないのを確認できます。

・$k = -3$の推移


 k倍したsin関数と-k倍sin関数では、常に円周上の点が$180^{\circ} = \pi$変化(進む・戻る)した点を推移するのが分かります。

・$k = -1$の推移


 後で、$a = -1$や$b = \pi$のグラフと比較します。


 sin関数$\sin \theta$に定数$l$を加えた$\sin \theta + l$のグラフは、$\sin \theta$の曲線がy軸方向に$l$だけ平行移動します。定数項$l$と平行移動の関係は直感的な変化なので、個別の可視化は省略します。最後の「sin関数の変形」で確認することにします。




 角度$\theta$を固定した$\sin(a \theta)$をグラフで確認します。


# 変数の係数を指定
a <- 4

# 角度を指定
alpha <- 60

# ラジアンに変換
theta <- alpha / 180 * pi
## [1] 1.047198




# 関数の点の描画用
point_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = c(theta, theta), 
  sin_theta = sin(theta * c(1, a)), 
  cos_theta = cos(theta * c(1, a)), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)")
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   theta sin_theta cos_theta fnc         
##   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>       
## 1  1.05     0.866     0.5   sin theta   
## 2  1.05    -0.866    -0.500 sin(a theta)

 sin関数$\sin \theta$とa倍した変数によるsin関数$\sin (a \theta)$、cos関数$\cos \theta$とa倍した変数によるcos関数$\cos(a \theta)$を計算して、$\theta$と共に格納します。


# 単位円の描画用
circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = 0.04), 
  sin_theta = sin(theta), 
  cos_theta = cos(theta)

# 角度目盛の描画用
tick_df <- tibble::tibble(
  alpha = 0:11 * 30, 
  theta = 0:11 / 6 * pi, 
  x = cos(theta), 
  y = sin(theta), 
  rad_label = paste0("frac(", 0:11, ", 6)~pi")
## # A tibble: 158 × 3
##    theta sin_theta cos_theta
##    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1  0       0          1    
##  2  0.04    0.0400     0.999
##  3  0.08    0.0799     0.997
##  4  0.12    0.120      0.993
##  5  0.16    0.159      0.987
##  6  0.2     0.199      0.980
##  7  0.24    0.238      0.971
##  8  0.28    0.276      0.961
##  9  0.32    0.315      0.949
## 10  0.36    0.352      0.936
## # … with 148 more rows

 単位円の作図用のラジアン$0 \leq \theta \leq 2 \pi$を作成して、$\sin \theta, \cos \theta$を計算します。


# 半径の描画用
radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
  y_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
  x_to = c(1, cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
  y_to = c(0, sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
  fnc = c("r", "sin theta", "sin(a theta)")

# 角度マークの描画用
d1 <- 0.15
d2 <- 0.2
tmp_vals  <- seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), length.out = 100)
angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  rad = c(tmp_vals, tmp_vals), 
  x = c(cos(tmp_vals)*d1, cos(tmp_vals*a)*d2), 
  y = c(sin(tmp_vals)*d1, sin(tmp_vals*a)*d2), 
  ang = c(rep(c("theta", "a theta"), each = length(tmp_vals)))

# 角度ラベルの描画用
d1 <- 0.1
d2 <- 0.3
angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  rad = c(median(c(0, theta)), median(c(0, theta*a))), 
  x = cos(rad) * c(d1, d2), 
  y = sin(rad) * c(d1, d2), 
  angle_label = c("theta", "a*theta"), 
  ang = c("theta", "a theta")
radius_df; angle_df; angle_label_df
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   x_from y_from   x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1      0      0  1      0     r           
## 2      0      0  0.5    0.866 sin theta   
## 3      0      0 -0.500 -0.866 sin(a theta)
## # A tibble: 200 × 4
##       rad     x       y ang  
##     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
##  1 0      0.15  0       theta
##  2 0.0106 0.150 0.00159 theta
##  3 0.0212 0.150 0.00317 theta
##  4 0.0317 0.150 0.00476 theta
##  5 0.0423 0.150 0.00634 theta
##  6 0.0529 0.150 0.00793 theta
##  7 0.0635 0.150 0.00951 theta
##  8 0.0740 0.150 0.0111  theta
##  9 0.0846 0.149 0.0127  theta
## 10 0.0952 0.149 0.0143  theta
## # … with 190 more rows
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##     rad       x     y angle_label ang    
##   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       <chr>  
## 1 0.524  0.0866 0.05  theta       theta  
## 2 2.09  -0.15   0.260 a*theta     a theta

 $0^{\circ}, \theta, a \theta$のそれぞれの角度における半径を描画するために、原点と単位円上の点を結ぶ線分の座標を格納してradius_dfとします。始点の座標をx_from, y_from、終点の座標をx_to, y_to列とします。
 2つの扇形(角度マーク)を描画するための値(ラジアン)を作成して、x軸とy軸の値を計算してangle_dfとします。角度$\theta$として$0$から$\theta$、角度$a \theta$として$0$から$a \theta$の値を使います。


# sin関数の線の描画用
sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
  y_from = c(0, 0), 
  x_to = c(cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
  y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)")

# sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
  dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用
    # 中点に配置
    x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
    y = median(c(y_from, y_to))
  ) |> 
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
    fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "sin~(a*theta)")
  ) |> 
  dplyr::select(x, y, fnc, fnc_label)
sin_line_df; sin_label_df
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   x_from y_from   x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1  0.5        0  0.5    0.866 sin theta   
## 2 -0.500      0 -0.500 -0.866 sin(a theta)
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##        x      y fnc          fnc_label    
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        
## 1  0.5    0.433 sin theta    sin~theta    
## 2 -0.500 -0.433 sin(a theta) sin~(a*theta)



# 描画領域のサイズを設定
axis_size <- 1.5
l         <- 0.5

# サイン波との対応用
segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
  y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
  x_to = c(-axis_size-l, -axis_size-l), 
  y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)")
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1  0.5    0.866    -2  0.866 sin theta   
## 2 -0.500 -0.866    -2 -0.866 sin(a theta)



# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", a==", round(a, digits = 2), 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 

# 円を作図
d <- 1.2
circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
            size = 1) + # 単位円
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
            label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, linetype = fnc)) + # 半径
  geom_path(data = angle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = ang)) + # 角度マーク
  geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label, color = ang), parse = TRUE) + # 角度ラベル
  geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
               size = 1) + # sin関数
  geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc), parse = TRUE, 
             angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # sin関数ラベル
  geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # sin波との対応線
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
             size = 4) + # 円上の点
  scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)", "theta", "a theta"), 
                     values = c("red", "blue", "red", "blue")) + # 線の色
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)", "r"), 
                        values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid")) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "unit circle", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = "x", y = "y")




# 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
theta_vals <- seq(from = theta-2*pi, to = theta+2*pi, by = 0.01)



# サイン波の描画用
sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = c(theta_vals, theta_vals), 
  sin_theta = c(sin(theta_vals), sin(theta_vals*a)), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)"), each = length(theta_vals))
## # A tibble: 2,514 × 3
##    theta sin_theta fnc      
##    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    
##  1 -5.24     0.866 sin theta
##  2 -5.23     0.871 sin theta
##  3 -5.22     0.876 sin theta
##  4 -5.21     0.881 sin theta
##  5 -5.20     0.885 sin theta
##  6 -5.19     0.890 sin theta
##  7 -5.18     0.894 sin theta
##  8 -5.17     0.899 sin theta
##  9 -5.16     0.903 sin theta
## 10 -5.15     0.907 sin theta
## # … with 2,504 more rows

 作図用の$\theta$の値と$\sin \theta, \sin(a \theta)$の値を格納します。


# x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
d <- 1.1
segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(theta, theta, theta, theta), 
  y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta), sin(theta*a), sin(theta*a)), 
  x_to = c(theta, max(theta_vals)+l, theta, max(theta_vals)+l), 
  y_to = c(-axis_size*d, sin(theta), -axis_size*d, sin(theta*a)), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)"), each = 2)
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1   1.05  0.866  1.05 -1.65  sin theta   
## 2   1.05  0.866  7.82  0.866 sin theta   
## 3   1.05 -0.866  1.05 -1.65  sin(a theta)
## 4   1.05 -0.866  7.82 -0.866 sin(a theta)



# x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
tick_min <- floor(min(theta_vals) * 6 / pi)
tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+25, by = 1)



# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", a==", round(a, digits = 2), 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", sin~(a*theta)==", round(sin(theta*a), digits = 2), 

# サイン波を作図
sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = fnc), 
            size = 1) + # sin関数
  geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # 単位円との対応線
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
             size = 4) + # 関数曲線上の点
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                     labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)"), 
                     values = c("red", "blue"), 
                     labels = parse(text = c("sin~theta", "sin~(a*theta)")), 
                     name = "function") + # 線の色
  theme(legend.text.align = 0) + # 凡例の設定
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(min(theta_vals), max(theta_vals)), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "sine curve", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))




# グラフを並べて描画
patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
  patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")

・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, a = 4$のグラフ


 角度$\theta$が$a$倍になることで、角速度(角の変化)も$a$倍になります。よって、波長が$\frac{1}{a}$倍($2 \pi$の範囲での周期の数が$a$倍)になるのを確認できます。

・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, a = -1$のグラフ


 $a$が負の値のとき、$x = 0$の直線に対して反転したグラフになります。
 $a = -1$のとき、「関数をk倍する場合」の$k = -1$のときや「変数にbを加える場合」の$b = \pi$のとき、サイン波の形が同じになりますが、単位円の点(単位円における位置関係)が異なるのが分かります。




# フレーム数を指定
frame_num <- 100

# 変数の定数項を指定
a <- 2

# 角度の範囲を指定
theta_min <- -2 * pi
theta_max <- 2 * pi

# フレームごとの角度を作成
theta_i <- seq(from = theta_min, to = theta_max, length.out = frame_num+1)[1:frame_num]




# 一時保存フォルダを指定
dir_path <- "tmp_folder"

# 描画領域のサイズを設定
axis_size <- 1.5
l         <- 0.6

# 角度ごとに作図
for(i in 1:frame_num) {
  # i番目の角度を取得
  theta <- theta_i[i]
  # 関数の点の描画用
  point_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = c(theta, theta), 
    sin_theta = sin(theta * c(1, a)), 
    cos_theta = cos(theta * c(1, a)), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)")
  # 半径の描画用
  radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
    y_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
    x_to = c(1, cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
    y_to = c(0, sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
    fnc = c("r", "sin theta", "sin(a theta)")
  # 角度マークの描画用
  d1 <- 0.15
  d2 <- 0.2
  tmp_vals  <- seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), length.out = 100)
  angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    rad = c(tmp_vals, tmp_vals), 
    x = c(cos(tmp_vals)*d1, cos(tmp_vals*a)*d2), 
    y = c(sin(tmp_vals)*d1, sin(tmp_vals*a)*d2), 
    ang = c(rep(c("theta", "a theta"), each = length(tmp_vals)))
  # 角度ラベルの描画用
  d1 <- 0.1
  d2 <- 0.3
  angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
    rad = c(median(c(0, theta)), median(c(0, theta*a))), 
    x = cos(rad) * c(d1, d2), 
    y = sin(rad) * c(d1, d2), 
    angle_label = c("theta", "a*theta"), 
    ang = c("theta", "a theta")
  # sin関数の線の描画用
  sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
    y_from = c(0, 0), 
    x_to = c(cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
    y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)")
  # sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
  sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
    dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用
      # 中点に配置
      x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
      y = median(c(y_from, y_to))
    ) |> 
    dplyr::ungroup() |> 
      fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "sin~(a*theta)")
    ) |> 
    dplyr::select(x, y, fnc, fnc_label)
  # サイン波との対応用
  segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta*a)), 
    y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
    x_to = c(-axis_size-l, -axis_size-l), 
    y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta*a)), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)")
  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", a==", round(a, digits = 2), 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
    ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  # 円を作図
  d <- 1.2
  circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_path(data = circle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
              size = 1) + # 単位円
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
              label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                            hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, linetype = fnc)) + # 半径
    geom_path(data = angle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = ang)) + # 角度マーク
    geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label, color = ang), parse = TRUE) + # 角度ラベル
    geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
                 size = 1) + # sin関数
    geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc), parse = TRUE, 
               angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # sin関数ラベル
    geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # sin波との対応線
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
               size = 4) + # 円上の点
    scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)", "theta", "a theta"), 
                       values = c("red", "blue", "red", "blue")) + # 線の色
    scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)", "r"), 
                          values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid")) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "unit circle", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = "x", y = "y")

  # 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
  theta_size <- 2 * pi
  theta_vals <- seq(from = max(theta_min, theta-theta_size), to = theta, by = 0.01)
  # サイン波の描画用
  sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = c(theta_vals, theta_vals), 
    sin_theta = c(sin(theta_vals), sin(theta_vals*a)), 
    fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)"), each = length(theta_vals))
  # x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
  d <- 1.1
  segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(theta, theta, theta, theta), 
    y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta), sin(theta*a), sin(theta*a)), 
    x_to = c(theta, max(theta_vals)+l, theta, max(theta_vals)+l), 
    y_to = c(-axis_size*d, sin(theta), -axis_size*d, sin(theta*a)), 
    fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)"), each = 2)
  # x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
  tick_min <- floor((theta-theta_size) * 6 / pi)
  tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+13, by = 1)
  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", a==", round(a, digits = 2), 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
    ", sin~(a*theta)==", round(sin(theta*a), digits = 2), 
  # サイン波を作図
  sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = fnc), 
              size = 1) + # sin関数
    geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # 単位円との対応線
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
               size = 4) + # 関数曲線上の点
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                       labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(a theta)"), 
                       values = c("red", "blue"), 
                       labels = parse(text = c("sin~theta", "sin~(a*theta)")), 
                       name = "function") + # 線の色
    theme(legend.text.align = 0) + # 凡例の設定
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(theta-theta_size, theta), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "sine curve", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))
  # グラフを並べて描画
  graph <- patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
      patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")
  # ファイルを書き出し
  file_path <- paste0(dir_path, "/", stringr::str_pad(i, width = nchar(frame_num), pad = "0"), ".png")
  ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file_path, plot = graph, width = 1200, height = 600, units = "px", dpi = 100)
  # 途中経過を表示
  message("\r", i, "/", frame_num, appendLF = FALSE)

 「グラフの作成」で作成したcircle_df, tick_dfも使います。


・$a = 2$の推移


 円周上($2 \pi$の範囲)を$\sin(\theta)$の点が1周する間に、$\sin(a \theta)$の点がa周するのを確認できます。

・$a = -2$の推移



・$a = -1$の推移


 $k = -1$や$b = \pi$のグラフと比較します。




 角度$\theta$を固定した$\sin(\theta + b)$をグラフで確認します。


# 変数の定数項を指定
b <- 0.5 * pi

# 角度を指定
alpha <- 120

# ラジアンに変換
theta <- alpha / 180 * pi
## [1] 2.094395




# 関数の点の描画用
point_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = c(theta, theta), 
  sin_theta = sin(theta + c(0, b)), 
  cos_theta = cos(theta + c(0, b)), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   theta sin_theta cos_theta fnc         
##   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>       
## 1  2.09     0.866    -0.5   sin theta   
## 2  2.09    -0.50     -0.866 sin(theta+b)

 sin関数$\sin \theta$と定数を加えた変数によるsin関数$\sin (\theta + b)$、cos関数$\cos \theta$と定数を加えた変数によるcos関数$\cos(\theta + b)$を計算して、$\theta$と共に格納します。


# 単位円の描画用
circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = 0.05), 
  sin_theta = sin(theta), 
  cos_theta = cos(theta)

# 角度目盛の描画用
tick_df <- tibble::tibble(
  alpha = 0:11 * 30, 
  theta = 0:11 / 6 * pi, 
  x = cos(theta), 
  y = sin(theta), 
  rad_label = paste0("frac(", 0:11, ", 6)~pi")



# 半径の描画用
radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
  y_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
  x_to = c(1, cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
  y_to = c(0, sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
  fnc = c("r", "sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")

# 角度マークの描画用
d1 <- 0.15
d2 <- 0.2
d3 <- 0.4
tmp_t_vals  <- seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), length.out = 100)
tmp_b_vals  <- seq(from = min(theta, theta+b),  to = max(theta, theta+b), length.out = 100)
tmp_tb_vals <- seq(from = min(0, theta+b),  to = max(0, theta+b), length.out = 100)
angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  rad = c(tmp_t_vals, tmp_b_vals, tmp_tb_vals), 
  x = c(cos(tmp_t_vals)*d1, cos(tmp_b_vals)*d2, cos(tmp_tb_vals)*d3), 
  y = c(sin(tmp_t_vals)*d1, sin(tmp_b_vals)*d2, sin(tmp_tb_vals)*d3), 
  ang = c(
    rep("theta", times = length(tmp_t_vals)), 
    rep("b", times = length(tmp_b_vals)), 
    rep("theta+b", times = length(tmp_tb_vals))

# 角度ラベルの描画用
d1 <- 0.1
d2 <- 0.3
d3 <- 0.5
angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  rad = c(median(c(0, theta)), median(c(theta, theta+b)), median(c(0, theta+b))), 
  x = cos(rad) * c(d1, d2, d3), 
  y = sin(rad) * c(d1, d2, d3), 
  angle_label = c("theta", "b", "(theta+b)"), 
  ang = c("theta", "b", "theta+b")
radius_df; angle_df; angle_label_df
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   x_from y_from   x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1      0      0  1      0     r           
## 2      0      0 -0.5    0.866 sin theta   
## 3      0      0 -0.866 -0.50  sin(theta+b)
## # A tibble: 300 × 4
##       rad     x       y ang  
##     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>
##  1 0      0.15  0       theta
##  2 0.0212 0.150 0.00317 theta
##  3 0.0423 0.150 0.00634 theta
##  4 0.0635 0.150 0.00951 theta
##  5 0.0846 0.149 0.0127  theta
##  6 0.106  0.149 0.0158  theta
##  7 0.127  0.149 0.0190  theta
##  8 0.148  0.148 0.0221  theta
##  9 0.169  0.148 0.0253  theta
## 10 0.190  0.147 0.0284  theta
## # … with 290 more rows
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##     rad      x      y angle_label ang    
##   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       <chr>  
## 1  1.05  0.05  0.0866 theta       theta  
## 2  2.88 -0.290 0.0776 b           b      
## 3  1.83 -0.129 0.483  (theta+b)   theta+b

 $0^{\circ}, \theta, b, \theta + b$のそれぞれの角度における半径を描画するために、原点と単位円上の点を結ぶ線分の座標を格納してradius_dfとします。始点の座標をx_from, y_from、終点の座標をx_to, y_to列とします。
 3つの扇形(角度マーク)を描画するための値(ラジアン)を作成して、x軸とy軸の値を計算してangle_dfとします。角度$\theta$として$0$から$\theta$、角度$b$として$\theta$から$b$、角度$\theta + b$として$0$から$\theta + b$の値を使います。


# sin関数の線の描画用
sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
  y_from = c(0, 0), 
  x_to = c(cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
  y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")

# sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
  dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用
    # 中点に配置
    x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
    y = median(c(y_from, y_to))
  ) |> 
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
    fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "sin~(theta+b)")
  ) |> 
  dplyr::select(x, y, fnc, fnc_label)
sin_line_df; sin_label_df
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   x_from y_from   x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1 -0.5        0 -0.5    0.866 sin theta   
## 2 -0.866      0 -0.866 -0.50  sin(theta+b)
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##        x      y fnc          fnc_label    
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        
## 1 -0.5    0.433 sin theta    sin~theta    
## 2 -0.866 -0.25  sin(theta+b) sin~(theta+b)



# 描画領域のサイズを設定
axis_size <- 1.5
l         <- 0.5

# サイン波との対応用
segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
  y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
  x_to = c(-axis_size-l, -axis_size-l), 
  y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
  fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1 -0.5    0.866    -2  0.866 sin theta   
## 2 -0.866 -0.50     -2 -0.50  sin(theta+b)



# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", b==", round(b, digits = 2), 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 

# 円を作図
d <- 1.2
circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
            size = 1) + # 単位円
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
            label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, linetype = fnc)) + # 半径
  geom_path(data = angle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = ang)) + # 角度マーク
  geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label, color = ang), parse = TRUE) + # 角度ラベル
  geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
               size = 1) + # sin関数
  geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc), parse = TRUE, 
             angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # sin関数ラベル
  geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # sin波との対応線
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
             size = 4) + # 円上の点
  scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)", "theta", "b", "theta+b"), 
                     values = c("red", "blue", "red", "purple", "blue")) + # 線の色
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)", "r"), 
                        values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid")) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "unit circle", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = "x", y = "y")




# 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
theta_vals <- seq(from = theta-2*pi, to = theta+2*pi, by = 0.01)



# サイン波の描画用
sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = c(theta_vals, theta_vals), 
  sin_theta = c(sin(theta_vals), sin(theta_vals+b)), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)"), each = length(theta_vals))
## # A tibble: 2,514 × 3
##    theta sin_theta fnc      
##    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    
##  1 -4.19     0.866 sin theta
##  2 -4.18     0.861 sin theta
##  3 -4.17     0.856 sin theta
##  4 -4.16     0.851 sin theta
##  5 -4.15     0.845 sin theta
##  6 -4.14     0.840 sin theta
##  7 -4.13     0.834 sin theta
##  8 -4.12     0.829 sin theta
##  9 -4.11     0.823 sin theta
## 10 -4.10     0.818 sin theta
## # … with 2,504 more rows

 作図用の$\theta$の値と$\sin \theta, \sin(\theta + b)$の値を格納します。


# x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
d <- 1.1
segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(theta, theta, theta, theta), 
  y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta), sin(theta+b), sin(theta+b)), 
  x_to = c(theta, max(theta_vals)+l, theta, max(theta_vals)+l), 
  y_to = c(-axis_size*d, sin(theta), -axis_size*d, sin(theta+b)), 
  fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)"), each = 2)
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to   y_to fnc         
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>       
## 1   2.09  0.866  2.09 -1.65  sin theta   
## 2   2.09  0.866  8.87  0.866 sin theta   
## 3   2.09 -0.50   2.09 -1.65  sin(theta+b)
## 4   2.09 -0.50   8.87 -0.50  sin(theta+b)



# 角度bに関する可視化用
b_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x = theta+b, 
  y = sin(theta+b), 
  x_to = theta, 
  y_to = sin(theta+b), 
  angle_lable = "b"
) |> 
    # 中点に配置
    x_mid = median(c(x, x_to)), 
    y_mid = median(c(y, y_to))
## # A tibble: 1 × 7
##       x     y  x_to  y_to angle_lable x_mid y_mid
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>
## 1  3.67 -0.50  2.09 -0.50 b            2.88 -0.50

 角度$\theta + b$における点の座標をx, y列、角度$\theta$における点の座標をx_to, y_to列、またその中点をx_mid, y_mid列として、ラベル用の文字列と共に格納します。


# x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
tick_min <- floor(min(theta_vals) * 6 / pi)
tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+25, by = 1)



# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", b==", round(b, digits = 2), 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", sin~(theta+b)==", round(sin(theta+b), digits = 2), 

# サイン波を作図
sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = fnc), 
            size = 1) + # sin関数
  geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # 単位円との対応線
  geom_segment(data = b_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               color ="purple") + # 長さbの線分
  geom_text(data = b_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x_mid, y = y_mid, label = angle_lable), 
            vjust = -0.5, color = "purple") + # 線分bのラベル
  geom_point(data = b_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
             size = 4, shape = 1) + # theta+bの点
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
             size = 4) + # 関数曲線上の点
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                     labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)"), 
                     values = c("red", "blue"), 
                     labels = parse(text = c("sin~theta", "sin~(theta+b)")), 
                     name = "function") + # 線の色
  theme(legend.text.align = 0) + # 凡例の設定
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(min(theta_vals), max(theta_vals)), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "sine curve", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))




# グラフを並べて描画
patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
  patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")

・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, b = \frac{1}{2} \pi$のグラフ


 角度$\theta$の曲線(赤色の線)に角度$b$が加えられることで、角度$\theta + b$の曲線(青色の線)が、x軸方向に$-b$(紫色の直線)だけ平行移動する($b$の分戻る)のを確認できます。

・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, b = -\frac{1}{2} \pi$のグラフ



・$\theta^{\circ} = 120^{\circ}, b = \pi$のグラフ


「関数をk倍する場合」の$k = -1$のときと同じグラフになるのを確認できます。




# フレーム数を指定
frame_num <- 100

# 変数の定数項を指定
b <- -0.5 * pi

# 角度の範囲を指定
theta_min <- -2 * pi
theta_max <- 2 * pi

# フレームごとの角度を作成
theta_i <- seq(from = theta_min, to = theta_max, length.out = frame_num+1)[1:frame_num]




# 一時保存フォルダを指定
dir_path <- "tmp_folder"

# 描画領域のサイズを設定
axis_size <- 1.5
l         <- 0.6

# 角度ごとに作図
for(i in 1:frame_num) {
  # i番目の角度を取得
  theta <- theta_i[i]
  # 関数の点の描画用
  point_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = c(theta, theta), 
    sin_theta = sin(theta + c(0, b)), 
    cos_theta = cos(theta + c(0, b)), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")
  # 半径の描画用
  radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
    y_from = c(0, 0, 0), 
    x_to = c(1, cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
    y_to = c(0, sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
    fnc = c("r", "sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")
  # 角度マークの描画用
  d1 <- 0.15
  d2 <- 0.2
  d3 <- 0.4
  tmp_t_vals  <- seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), length.out = 100)
  tmp_b_vals  <- seq(from = min(theta, theta+b),  to = max(theta, theta+b), length.out = 100)
  tmp_tb_vals <- seq(from = min(0, theta+b),  to = max(0, theta+b), length.out = 100)
  angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    rad = c(tmp_t_vals, tmp_b_vals, tmp_tb_vals), 
    x = c(cos(tmp_t_vals)*d1, cos(tmp_b_vals)*d2, cos(tmp_tb_vals)*d3), 
    y = c(sin(tmp_t_vals)*d1, sin(tmp_b_vals)*d2, sin(tmp_tb_vals)*d3), 
    ang = c(
      rep("theta", times = length(tmp_t_vals)), 
      rep("b", times = length(tmp_b_vals)), 
      rep("theta+b", times = length(tmp_tb_vals))
  # 角度ラベルの描画用
  d1 <- 0.1
  d2 <- 0.3
  d3 <- 0.5
  angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
    rad = c(median(c(0, theta)), median(c(theta, theta+b)), median(c(0, theta+b))), 
    x = cos(rad) * c(d1, d2, d3), 
    y = sin(rad) * c(d1, d2, d3), 
    angle_label = c("theta", "b", "(theta+b)"), 
    ang = c("theta", "b", "theta+b")
  # sin関数の線の描画用
  sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
    y_from = c(0, 0), 
    x_to = c(cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
    y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")
  # sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
  sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
    dplyr::group_by(fnc) |> # 中点の計算用
      # 中点に配置
      x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
      y = median(c(y_from, y_to))
    ) |> 
    dplyr::ungroup() |> 
      fnc_label = c("sin~theta", "sin~(theta+b)")
    ) |> 
    dplyr::select(x, y, fnc, fnc_label)
  # サイン波との対応用
  segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(cos(theta), cos(theta+b)), 
    y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
    x_to = c(-axis_size-l, -axis_size-l), 
    y_to = c(sin(theta), sin(theta+b)), 
    fnc = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)")
  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", b==", round(b, digits = 2), 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
    ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  # 円を作図
  d <- 1.2
  circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_path(data = circle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
              size = 1) + # 単位円
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
              label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                            hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, linetype = fnc)) + # 半径
    geom_path(data = angle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = ang)) + # 角度マーク
    geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label, color = ang), parse = TRUE) + # 角度ラベル
    geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = fnc), 
                 size = 1) + # sin関数
    geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = fnc), parse = TRUE, 
               angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # sin関数ラベル
    geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # sin波との対応線
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
               size = 4) + # 円上の点
    scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)", "theta", "b", "theta+b"), 
                     values = c("red", "blue", "red", "purple", "blue")) + # 線の色
    scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)", "r"), 
                          values = c("solid", "dashed", "solid")) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(-axis_size, axis_size), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "unit circle", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = "x", y = "y")
  # 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
  theta_size <- 2 * pi
  tmp_theta  <- max(theta, theta+b)
  theta_vals <- seq(from = max(theta_min, tmp_theta-theta_size), to = tmp_theta, by = 0.01)
  # サイン波の描画用
  sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = c(theta_vals, theta_vals), 
    sin_theta = c(sin(theta_vals), sin(theta_vals+b)), 
    fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)"), each = length(theta_vals))
  # x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
  d <- 1.1
  segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(theta, theta, theta, theta), 
    y_from = c(sin(theta), sin(theta), sin(theta+b), sin(theta+b)), 
    x_to = c(theta, max(theta_vals)+l, theta, max(theta_vals)+l), 
    y_to = c(-axis_size*d, sin(theta), -axis_size*d, sin(theta+b)), 
    fnc = rep(c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)"), each = 2)
  # 角度bに関する可視化用
  b_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x = theta+b, 
    y = sin(theta+b), 
    x_to = theta, 
    y_to = sin(theta+b), 
    angle_lable = "b"
  ) |> 
      # 中点に配置
      x_mid = median(c(x, x_to)), 
      y_mid = median(c(y, y_to))
  # x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
  tick_min <- floor((tmp_theta-theta_size) * 6 / pi)
  tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+13, by = 1)
  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", b==", round(b, digits = 2), 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
    ", sin~(theta+b)==", round(sin(theta+b), digits = 2), 
  # サイン波を作図
  sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = fnc), 
              size = 1) + # sin関数
    geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # 単位円との対応線
    geom_segment(data = b_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 color ="purple") + # 長さbの線分
    geom_text(data = b_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x_mid, y = y_mid, label = angle_lable), 
              vjust = -0.5, color = "purple") + # 線分bのラベル
    geom_point(data = b_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
               size = 4, shape = 1) + # theta+bの点
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
               size = 4) + # 関数曲線上の点
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                       labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    scale_color_manual(breaks = c("sin theta", "sin(theta+b)"), 
                       values = c("red", "blue"), 
                       labels = parse(text = c("sin~theta", "sin~(theta+b)")), 
                       name = "function") + # 線の色
    theme(legend.text.align = 0) + # 凡例の設定
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(tmp_theta-theta_size, tmp_theta), ylim = c(-axis_size, axis_size)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "sine curve", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))
  # グラフを並べて描画
  graph <- patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
      patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")
  # ファイルを書き出し
  file_path <- paste0(dir_path, "/", stringr::str_pad(i, width = nchar(frame_num), pad = "0"), ".png")
  ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file_path, plot = graph, width = 1200, height = 600, units = "px", dpi = 100)
  # 途中経過を表示
  message("\r", i, "/", frame_num, appendLF = FALSE)

 「グラフの作成」で作成したcircle_df, tick_dfも使います。


・$b = \frac{1}{2}\pi$の推移


・$b = -\frac{1}{2}\pi$の推移


・$b = \pi$の推移


 $a = -1$や$a = -1$のグラフと比較します。




 角度$\theta$を固定した$k \sin(a \theta + b) + l$をグラフで確認します。


# パラメータを指定
k_i <- c(-2, 3, 3)
l_i <- c(0, 2, -3)
a_i <- c(1.5, 1.5, -1)
b_i <- c(1/6*pi, 1/6*pi, -1/2*pi)

# 曲線の数を設定
n <- length(k_i)

# 角度を指定
alpha <- 60

# ラジアンに変換
theta <- alpha / 180 * pi
## [1] 1.047198

 パラメータ$k, l, a, b$と角度(ラジアン)$\theta$を指定します。
 パラメータを、それぞれk_i, l_i, a_i, b_iとして、同じ数の値を指定します。また指定した数をnとします。



# 因子レベルの設定用のベクトルを作成
param_level <- paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")")

# 関数の点の描画用
point_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = theta, 
  sin_theta = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
  cos_theta = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
  param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
    factor(levels = param_level)
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##   theta sin_theta cos_theta param                             
##   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>                             
## 1  1.05     -1.73      1    list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## 2  1.05      4.60     -1.5  list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52) 
## 3  1.05     -4.5      -2.60 list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57)

 $\theta$と$k \sin(a \theta + b) + l$、$k \cos(a \theta + b)$を格納します。


# 円の描画用
circle_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
  i = 1:n, # 曲線番号
  theta = seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = 0.05)
) |> # 曲線ごとに作図用のθを複製
  dplyr::group_by(i) |> # 角度の作成用
    sin_theta = sin(theta) * k_i[unique(i)] + l_i[unique(i)], 
    cos_theta = cos(theta) * k_i[unique(i)], 
    param = paste0(
      "list(k==", k_i[unique(i)], ", l==", l_i[unique(i)], 
      ", a==", a_i[unique(i)], ", b==", round(b_i[unique(i)], 2), ")"
    ) |> 
    factor(levels = param_level)
  ) |> 
## # A tibble: 378 × 5
##        i theta sin_theta cos_theta param                             
##    <int> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>                             
##  1     1  0        0         -2    list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  2     1  0.05    -0.100     -2.00 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  3     1  0.1     -0.200     -1.99 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  4     1  0.15    -0.299     -1.98 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  5     1  0.2     -0.397     -1.96 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  6     1  0.25    -0.495     -1.94 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  7     1  0.3     -0.591     -1.91 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  8     1  0.35    -0.686     -1.88 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  9     1  0.4     -0.779     -1.84 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## 10     1  0.45    -0.870     -1.80 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## # … with 368 more rows

 1からnの整数を曲線(パラメータの組み合わせ)番号として、円の作図用のラジアン$0 \leq \theta \leq 2 \pi$(theta列)との全ての組み合わせをexpand_grid()で作成します。これにより、パラメータの設定ごとにtheta列を複製できます。$a, b$の計算は、円周上を移動するだけなので、結果に影響しません。
 i列でグループ化してパラメータの設定ごとに、$k \sin \theta + l$、$k \cos \theta$を計算します。


# 半径の描画用
radius_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(
    x_from = 0, 
    y_from = 0 + l_i, 
    x_to = 1 * abs(k_i), 
    y_to = 0 + l_i, 
    param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
      factor(levels = param_level), 
    k = k_i, 
    type = "main"
  ), # 水平方向の半径
    x_from = 0, 
    y_from = 0 + l_i, 
    x_to = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i,  
    y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i,  
    param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
      factor(levels = param_level), 
    k = k_i, 
    type = "main"
  ), # 角度aθ+bの半径
    x_from = 0, 
    y_from = 0 + l_i, 
    x_to = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * abs(k_i),  
    y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * abs(k_i) + l_i,  
    param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
      factor(levels = param_level), 
    k = k_i, 
    type = "sub"
  ) # kが負のとき用の半径
) |> 
  dplyr::group_by(k) |> # 行の抽出用
    (type == "main") | (k < 0 & type == "sub")
  ) |> # 不要な行を除去

# 角度マークの描画用
d <- 0.1
angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  i = 1:n # 曲線番号
) |> 
  dplyr::group_by(i) |> # 角度の作成用
    theta = seq(from = min(0, theta*a_i[i]+b_i[i]), to = max(0, theta*a_i[i]+b_i[i]), length.out = 100), 
    .groups = "keep"
  ) |> 
    x = cos(theta) * (unique(i)+1)*d, 
    y = sin(theta) * (unique(i)+1)*d + l_i[unique(i)], 
    param = paste0(
      "list(k==", k_i[unique(i)], ", l==", l_i[unique(i)], 
      ", a==", a_i[unique(i)], ", b==", round(b_i, 2)[unique(i)], ")"
    ) |> 
    factor(levels = param_level)
  ) |> 

# 角度ラベルの描画用
angle_label_df <- angle_df |> 
  dplyr::group_by(i, param) |> # 中点の計算用
    theta = median(theta), .groups = "keep"
  ) |> 
    x = cos(theta) * (i+2)*d, 
    y = sin(theta) * (i+2)*d + l_i[i], 
    angle_label = paste0("theta[", i, "]")
  ) |> 
radius_df; angle_df; angle_label_df
## # A tibble: 7 × 7
##   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to param                                  k type 
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>                              <dbl> <chr>
## 1      0      0  2     0    list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)    -2 main 
## 2      0      2  3     2    list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52)      3 main 
## 3      0     -3  3    -3    list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57)     3 main 
## 4      0      0  1    -1.73 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)    -2 main 
## 5      0      2 -1.5   4.60 list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52)      3 main 
## 6      0     -3 -2.60 -4.5  list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57)     3 main 
## 7      0      0 -1     1.73 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)    -2 sub
## # A tibble: 300 × 5
##        i  theta     x       y param                             
##    <int>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <fct>                             
##  1     1 0      0.2   0       list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  2     1 0.0212 0.200 0.00423 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  3     1 0.0423 0.200 0.00846 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  4     1 0.0635 0.200 0.0127  list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  5     1 0.0846 0.199 0.0169  list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  6     1 0.106  0.199 0.0211  list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  7     1 0.127  0.198 0.0253  list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  8     1 0.148  0.198 0.0295  list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  9     1 0.169  0.197 0.0337  list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## 10     1 0.190  0.196 0.0379  list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## # … with 290 more rows
## # A tibble: 3 × 6
##       i param                              theta     x      y angle_label
##   <int> <fct>                              <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>      
## 1     1 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)  1.05 0.15   0.260 theta[1]   
## 2     2 list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52)   1.05 0.2    2.35  theta[2]   
## 3     3 list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57) -1.31 0.129 -3.48  theta[3]

 $0^{\circ}$と各$a \theta + b$における半径を描画するために、原点と円上の点を結ぶ線分の座標を格納してradius_dfとします。ただし、$k$が負の値の場合は、その角度$a \theta + b$の線分を破線で、反転させた線分を実線で描画することにします。

 i列でグループ化して角ごとに、$0$から$a \theta + b$の値をsummarise()で作成します。



# sin関数の線の描画用
sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
  i = 1:n, # 曲線番号
  x_from = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
  y_from = 0 + l_i, 
  x_to = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
  y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
  param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
    factor(levels = param_level)

# sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
  dplyr::group_by(i) |> # 中点の計算用
    # 中点に配置
    x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
    y = median(c(y_from, y_to)), 
    sin_theta = sin(theta * a_i[i] + b_i[i]) * k_i[i] + l_i[i], 
    fnc_label = paste0("sin[", i, "]==", round(sin_theta, digits = 2))
  ) |> 
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
  dplyr::select(x, y, param, fnc_label)
sin_line_df; sin_label_df
## # A tibble: 3 × 6
##       i x_from y_from  x_to  y_to param                             
##   <int>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>                             
## 1     1   1         0  1    -1.73 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## 2     2  -1.5       2 -1.5   4.60 list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52) 
## 3     3  -2.60     -3 -2.60 -4.5  list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57)
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##       x      y param                              fnc_label    
##   <dbl>  <dbl> <fct>                              <chr>        
## 1  1    -0.866 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52) sin[1]==-1.73
## 2 -1.5   3.30  list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52)  sin[2]==4.6  
## 3 -2.60 -3.75  list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57) sin[3]==-4.5



# 描画領域のサイズを設定
d <- 0.5
x_min <- -max(abs(k_i)) - d
x_max <- max(abs(k_i)) + d
y_min <- -max(abs(k_i)) + min(l_i) - d
y_max <- max(abs(k_i)) + max(l_i) + d
l     <- 1.5
x_min; x_max; y_min; y_max
## [1] -3.5
## [1] 3.5
## [1] -6.5
## [1] 5.5

 2つのグラフの描画範囲を固定するために、x軸の範囲をx_min, x_max、y軸の範囲をy_min, y_maxとして、また隣のグラフに届かないような長さlを指定します。


# サイン波との対応用
segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
  y_from = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
  x_to = x_min-l, 
  y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
  param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
    factor(levels = param_level)
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to param                             
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>                             
## 1   1     -1.73    -5 -1.73 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## 2  -1.5    4.60    -5  4.60 list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52) 
## 3  -2.60  -4.5     -5 -4.5  list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57)



# 単位円の描画用
unit_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = 0.05), 
  sin_theta = sin(theta), 
  cos_theta = cos(theta)

# 角度目盛の描画用
tick_df <- tibble::tibble(
  alpha = 0:11 * 30, 
  theta = 0:11 / 6 * pi, 
  x = cos(theta), 
  y = sin(theta), 
  rad_label = paste0("frac(", 0:11, ", 6)~pi")

# 半径の描画用
unit_radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = c(0, 0), 
  y_from = c(0, 0), 
  x_to = c(1, cos(theta)), 
  y_to = c(0, sin(theta))

# 角度マークの描画用
d <- 0.1
unit_angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), by = 0.1), 
  x = cos(theta) * d, 
  y = sin(theta) * d

# 角度ラベルの描画用
d <- 0.2
unit_angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = 0.5 * theta, 
  x = cos(theta) * d, 
  y = sin(theta) * d, 
  angle_label = "theta"

# サイン波との対応用
segment_unit_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x = cos(theta), 
  y = sin(theta), 
  x_to = x_min-l, 
  y_to = sin(theta)



# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 

# 円を作図
d <- 1.2
circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_path(data = unit_circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
            size = 1) + # 単位円
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
            label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
  geom_text(data = tick_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                          hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  geom_segment(data = unit_radius_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to)) + # 角度θの半径
  geom_path(data = unit_angle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) + # 角度θのマーク
  geom_text(data = unit_angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label), parse = TRUE) + # 角度θのラベル
  geom_path(data = circle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
            linetype = "dotted", size = 1) + # 半径kの円
  geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, 
                             color = param, linetype = type)) + # 角度aθ+bの半径
  geom_path(data = angle_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = param)) + # 角度aθ+bのマーク
  geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label, color = param), parse = TRUE) + # 角度aθ+bのラベル
  geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = param), 
               size = 1) + # 角度aθ+bのsin関数
  geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = param), parse = TRUE, 
            angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # 角度aθ+bのsin関数ラベル
  geom_segment(data = segment_unit_circle_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + # 角度θのsin波との対応線
  geom_point(data = segment_unit_circle_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
             size = 4) + # 角度θの点
  geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = param), 
               size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + # 角度aθ+bのsin波との対応線
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
             size = 4) + # 円上の点
  scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("main", "sub"), 
                        values = c("solid", "dashed")) + # 線の種類
  scale_color_hue(breaks = point_df[["param"]], 
                  labels = parse(text = as.character(point_df[["param"]])), 
                  name = expression(k~sin(a*theta+b)+l)) + # 線の色の凡例
  theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(x_min, x_max), ylim = c(y_min, y_max)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "unit circle", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = "x", y = "y")


 これまでと同様に、単位円$(\cos(\theta), \sin(\theta))$とパラメータごとの円$(k \cos(\theta) + l, k \sin(\theta) + l)$に関して作図します。


# 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
theta_vals <- seq(from = theta-2*pi, to = theta+2*pi, by = 0.01)



# サイン波の描画用
sin_curve_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
  i = 1:n, # 曲線番号
  theta = theta_vals
) |> # 曲線ごとに作図用のθを複製
  dplyr::group_by(i) |> 
    sin_theta = sin(theta * a_i[unique(i)] + b_i[unique(i)]) * k_i[unique(i)] + l_i[unique(i)], 
    param = paste0(
      "list(k==", k_i[unique(i)], ", l==", l_i[unique(i)], 
      ", a==", a_i[unique(i)], ", b==", round(b_i[unique(i)], 2), ")"
    ) |> 
      factor(levels = param_level)
  ) |> 
## # A tibble: 3,771 × 4
##        i theta sin_theta param                             
##    <int> <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>                             
##  1     1 -5.24      1.73 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  2     1 -5.23      1.72 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  3     1 -5.22      1.70 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  4     1 -5.21      1.69 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  5     1 -5.20      1.67 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  6     1 -5.19      1.65 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  7     1 -5.18      1.64 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  8     1 -5.17      1.62 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
##  9     1 -5.16      1.60 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## 10     1 -5.15      1.58 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## # … with 3,761 more rows

 作図用の値theta_valsexpand_grid()で複製して、$\theta$と$k \sin(a \theta + b) + l$を計算します。


# x軸(角度)・円との対応用
d <- 1.1
segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x_from = theta, 
  y_from = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
  x_to = max(theta_vals)+l, 
  y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
  param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
    factor(levels = param_level)
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   x_from y_from  x_to  y_to param                             
##    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>                             
## 1   1.05  -1.73  8.82 -1.73 list(k==-2, l==0, a==1.5, b==0.52)
## 2   1.05   4.60  8.82  4.60 list(k==3, l==2, a==1.5, b==0.52) 
## 3   1.05  -4.5   8.82 -4.5  list(k==3, l==-3, a==-1, b==-1.57)



# サイン波の描画用
unit_sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
  theta = theta_vals, 
  sin_theta = sin(theta_vals)

# x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
segment_unit_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
  x = theta, 
  y = sin(theta) , 
  x_to = max(theta_vals)+l, 
  y_to = sin(theta)

 曲線上の点からy軸への垂線を引くように座標を指定します。x, y列は、曲線上の点などを描画するのにも使います。


# x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
tick_min <- floor(min(theta_vals) * 6 / pi)
tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+25, by = 1)



# 関数ラベルを作成
fnc_label <- paste0(
  "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
  ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 

# サイン波を作図
sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = unit_sin_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
            size = 1) + # 角度θのsin関数
  geom_segment(data = segment_unit_sin_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
               size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + # 角度θの単位円との対応線
  geom_vline(data = segment_unit_sin_df, 
             mapping = aes(xintercept = x), 
             size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + # 角度θの単位円との対応線
  geom_point(data = segment_unit_sin_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
             size = 4) + # 角度θの関数曲線上の点
  geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
            mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
            size = 1) + # 角度aθ+bのsin関数
  geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = param), 
               size = 1, linetype = "dotted") + # 角度aθ+bの円との対応線
  geom_point(data = point_df, 
             mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
             size = 4) + # 角度aθ+bの関数曲線上の点
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                     labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
  scale_color_hue(breaks = point_df[["param"]], 
                  labels = parse(text = as.character(point_df[["param"]])), 
                  name = expression(k~sin(a*theta+b)+l)) + 
  theme(legend.text.align = 0) + # 凡例の左揃え
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
              xlim = c(min(theta_vals), max(theta_vals)), ylim = c(y_min, y_max)) + # 描画領域
  labs(title = "sine curve", 
       subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
       x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))


 これまでと同様に、元のsin関数$\sin \theta$とパラメータごとのsin関数$k \sin(a \theta + b) + l$に関して作図します。


# グラフを並べて描画
patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
  patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")






# フレーム数を指定
frame_num <- 100

# パラメータを指定
k_i <- c(-2, 3, 3)
l_i <- c(0, 2, -3)
a_i <- c(1.5, 1.5, -1)
b_i <- c(1/6*pi, 1/6*pi, -1/2*pi)

# 曲線の数を設定
n <- length(k_i)

# 角度の範囲を指定
theta_min <- -2 * pi
theta_max <- 2 * pi

# フレームごとの角度を作成
theta_i <- seq(from = theta_min, to = theta_max, length.out = frame_num+1)[1:frame_num]




# 一時保存フォルダを指定
dir_path <- "tmp_folder"

# 描画領域のサイズを設定
d <- 0.5
x_min <- -max(abs(k_i)) - d
x_max <- max(abs(k_i)) + d
y_min <- -max(abs(k_i)) + min(l_i) - d
y_max <- max(abs(k_i)) + max(l_i) + d
l     <- 1.5

# 円の描画用
circle_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
  i = 1:n, # 曲線番号
  theta = seq(from = 0, to = 2*pi, by = 0.05)
) |> # 曲線ごとに作図用のθを複製
  dplyr::group_by(i) |> # 角度の作成用
    sin_theta = sin(theta) * k_i[unique(i)] + l_i[unique(i)], 
    cos_theta = cos(theta) * k_i[unique(i)], 
    param = paste0(
      "list(k==", k_i[unique(i)], ", l==", l_i[unique(i)], 
      ", a==", a_i[unique(i)], ", b==", round(b_i[unique(i)], 2), ")"
    ) |> 
    factor(levels = param_level)
  ) |> 

# 角度ごとに作図
for(i in 1:frame_num) {
  # i番目の角度を取得
  theta <- theta_i[i]
  # 因子レベルの設定用のベクトルを作成
  param_level <- paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")")
  # 関数の点の描画用
  point_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = theta, 
    sin_theta = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
    cos_theta = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
    param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
      factor(levels = param_level)

  # 半径の描画用
  radius_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(
      x_from = 0, 
      y_from = 0 + l_i, 
      x_to = 1 * abs(k_i), 
      y_to = 0 + l_i, 
      param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
        factor(levels = param_level), 
      k = k_i, 
      type = "main"
    ), # 水平方向の半径
      x_from = 0, 
      y_from = 0 + l_i, 
      x_to = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i,  
      y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i,  
      param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
        factor(levels = param_level), 
      k = k_i, 
      type = "main"
    ), # 角度aθ+bの半径
      x_from = 0, 
      y_from = 0 + l_i, 
      x_to = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * abs(k_i),  
      y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * abs(k_i) + l_i,  
      param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
        factor(levels = param_level), 
      k = k_i, 
      type = "sub"
    ) # kが負のとき用の半径
  ) |> 
    dplyr::group_by(k) |> # 行の抽出用
      (type == "main") | (k < 0 & type == "sub")
    ) |> # 不要な行を除去
  # 角度マークの描画用
  d <- 0.1
  angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    i = 1:n # 曲線番号
  ) |> 
    dplyr::group_by(i) |> # 角度の作成用
      theta = seq(from = min(0, theta*a_i[i]+b_i[i]), to = max(0, theta*a_i[i]+b_i[i]), length.out = 100), 
      .groups = "keep"
    ) |> 
      x = cos(theta) * (unique(i)+1)*d, 
      y = sin(theta) * (unique(i)+1)*d + l_i[unique(i)], 
      param = paste0(
        "list(k==", k_i[unique(i)], ", l==", l_i[unique(i)], 
        ", a==", a_i[unique(i)], ", b==", round(b_i, 2)[unique(i)], ")"
      ) |> 
      factor(levels = param_level)
    ) |> 
  # 角度ラベルの描画用
  angle_label_df <- angle_df |> 
    dplyr::group_by(i, param) |> # 中点の計算用
      theta = median(theta), .groups = "keep"
    ) |> 
      x = cos(theta) * (i+2)*d, 
      y = sin(theta) * (i+2)*d + l_i[i], 
      angle_label = paste0("theta[", i, "]")
    ) |> 

  # sin関数の線の描画用
  sin_line_df <- tibble::tibble(
    i = 1:n, # 曲線番号
    x_from = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
    y_from = 0 + l_i, 
    x_to = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
    y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
    param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
      factor(levels = param_level)
  # sin関数の線ラベルの描画用
  sin_label_df <- sin_line_df |> 
    dplyr::group_by(i) |> # 中点の計算用
      # 中点に配置
      x = median(c(x_from, x_to)), 
      y = median(c(y_from, y_to)), 
      sin_theta = sin(theta * a_i[i] + b_i[i]) * k_i[i] + l_i[i], 
      fnc_label = paste0("sin[", i, "]==", round(sin_theta, digits = 2))
    ) |> 
    dplyr::ungroup() |> 
    dplyr::select(x, y, param, fnc_label)

  # サイン波との対応用
  segment_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = cos(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i, 
    y_from = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
    x_to = x_min-l, 
    y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
    param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
      factor(levels = param_level)

  # 半径の描画用
  unit_radius_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = c(0, 0), 
    y_from = c(0, 0), 
    x_to = c(1, cos(theta)), 
    y_to = c(0, sin(theta))
  # 角度マークの描画用
  d <- 0.1
  unit_angle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = seq(from = min(0, theta), to = max(0, theta), by = 0.1), 
    x = cos(theta) * d, 
    y = sin(theta) * d
  # 角度ラベルの描画用
  d <- 0.2
  unit_angle_label_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = 0.5 * theta, 
    x = cos(theta) * d, 
    y = sin(theta) * d, 
    angle_label = "theta"
  # サイン波との対応用
  segment_unit_circle_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x = cos(theta), 
    y = sin(theta), 
    x_to = x_min-l, 
    y_to = sin(theta)

  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
    ", cos~theta==", round(cos(theta), digits = 2), 
  # 円を作図
  d <- 1.2
  circle_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_path(data = unit_circle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta), 
              size = 1) + # 単位円
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, angle = alpha+90), 
              label = "|", size = 2) + # 角度目盛
    geom_text(data = tick_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x*d, y = y*d, label = rad_label, 
                            hjust = 1-(x*0.5+0.5), vjust = 1-(y*0.5+0.5)), parse = TRUE) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    geom_segment(data = unit_radius_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to)) + # 角度θの半径
    geom_path(data = unit_angle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) + # 角度θのマーク
    geom_text(data = unit_angle_label_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label), parse = TRUE) + # 角度θのラベル
    geom_path(data = circle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
              linetype = "dotted", size = 1) + # 半径kの円
    geom_segment(data = radius_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, 
                               color = param, linetype = type)) + # 角度aθ+bの半径
    geom_path(data = angle_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = param)) + # 角度aθ+bのマーク
    geom_text(data = angle_label_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = angle_label, color = param), parse = TRUE) + # 角度aθ+bのラベル
    geom_segment(data = sin_line_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = param), 
                 size = 1) + # 角度aθ+bのsin関数
    geom_text(data = sin_label_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = fnc_label, color = param), parse = TRUE, 
              angle = 90, vjust = 1) + # 角度aθ+bのsin関数ラベル
    geom_segment(data = segment_unit_circle_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # 角度θのsin波との対応線
    geom_point(data = segment_unit_circle_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
               size = 4) + # 角度θの点
    geom_segment(data = segment_circle_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = param), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # 角度aθ+bのsin波との対応線
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = cos_theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
               size = 4) + # 円上の点
    scale_linetype_manual(breaks = c("main", "sub"), 
                          values = c("solid", "dashed")) + # 線の種類
    scale_color_hue(breaks = point_df[["param"]], 
                    labels = parse(text = as.character(point_df[["param"]])), 
                    name = expression(k~sin(a*theta+b)+l)) + # 線の色の凡例
    theme(legend.position = "none") + # 凡例の非表示
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(x_min, x_max), ylim = c(y_min, y_max)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "unit circle", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = "x", y = "y")

  # 作図用のラジアンの値を作成
  theta_size <- 2 * pi
  theta_vals <- seq(from = max(theta_min, theta-theta_size), to = theta, by = 0.01)
  # サイン波の描画用
  sin_curve_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
    i = 1:n, # 曲線番号
    theta = theta_vals
  ) |> # 曲線ごとに作図用のθを複製
    dplyr::group_by(i) |> 
      sin_theta = sin(theta * a_i[unique(i)] + b_i[unique(i)]) * k_i[unique(i)] + l_i[unique(i)], 
      param = paste0(
        "list(k==", k_i[unique(i)], ", l==", l_i[unique(i)], 
        ", a==", a_i[unique(i)], ", b==", round(b_i[unique(i)], 2), ")"
      ) |> 
        factor(levels = param_level)
    ) |> 
  # x軸(角度)・円との対応用
  d <- 1.1
  segment_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x_from = theta, 
    y_from = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
    x_to = max(theta_vals)+l, 
    y_to = sin(theta * a_i + b_i) * k_i + l_i, 
    param = paste0("list(k==", k_i, ", l==", l_i, ", a==", a_i, ", b==", round(b_i, 2), ")") |> 
      factor(levels = param_level)

  # サイン波の描画用
  unit_sin_curve_df <- tibble::tibble(
    theta = theta_vals, 
    sin_theta = sin(theta_vals)
  # x軸(角度)・単位円との対応用
  segment_unit_sin_df <- tibble::tibble(
    x = theta, 
    y = sin(theta) , 
    x_to = max(theta_vals)+l, 
    y_to = sin(theta)

  # x軸目盛ラベルの描画用の値を作成
  tick_min <- floor((theta-theta_size) * 6 / pi)
  tick_vec <- seq(from = tick_min, to = tick_min+13, by = 1)
  # 関数ラベルを作成
  fnc_label <- paste0(
    "theta==", round(theta/pi, digits = 2), "*pi", 
    ", sin~theta==", round(sin(theta), digits = 2), 
  # サイン波を作図
  sin_graph <- ggplot() + 
    geom_line(data = unit_sin_curve_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta), 
              size = 1) + # 角度θのsin関数
    geom_segment(data = segment_unit_sin_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x_to, yend = y_to), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # 角度θの単位円との対応線
    geom_vline(data = segment_unit_sin_df, 
               mapping = aes(xintercept = x), 
               linetype = "dotted") + # 角度θの単位円との対応線
    geom_point(data = segment_unit_sin_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), 
               size = 4) + # 角度θの関数曲線上の点
    geom_line(data = sin_curve_df, 
              mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
              size = 1) + # 角度aθ+bのsin関数
    geom_segment(data = segment_sin_df, 
                 mapping = aes(x = x_from, y = y_from, xend = x_to, yend = y_to, color = param), 
                 linetype = "dotted") + # 角度aθ+bの円との対応線
    geom_point(data = point_df, 
               mapping = aes(x = theta, y = sin_theta, color = param), 
               size = 4) + # 角度aθ+bの関数曲線上の点
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = tick_vec/6*pi, 
                       labels = parse(text = paste0("frac(", tick_vec, ", 6)~pi"))) + # 角度目盛ラベル
    scale_color_hue(breaks = point_df[["param"]], 
                    labels = parse(text = as.character(point_df[["param"]])), 
                    name = expression(k~sin(a*theta+b)+l)) + 
    theme(legend.text.align = 0) + # 凡例の左揃え
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", 
                xlim = c(theta-theta_size, theta), ylim = c(y_min, y_max)) + # 描画領域
    labs(title = "sine curve", 
         subtitle = parse(text = fnc_label), 
         x = expression(theta), y = expression(f(theta)))
  # グラフを並べて描画
  graph <- patchwork::wrap_plots(sin_graph, circle_graph) + 
      patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect")
  # ファイルを書き出し
  file_path <- paste0(dir_path, "/", stringr::str_pad(i, width = nchar(frame_num), pad = "0"), ".png")
  ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file_path, plot = graph, width = 1500, height = 1000, units = "px", dpi = 100)
  # 途中経過を表示
  message("\r", i, "/", frame_num, appendLF = FALSE)

 「グラフの作成」で作成したunit_circle_df, tick_dfも使います。









